@ef56sd: Ah, well if that's the case, then that would be nice. I'd like to at least try the game, because the first did have some fun elements to it.
Although, I'm still going to wait for a sale. The first game died so quickly, that it was impossible to play most of the game modes after a few months. I'm afraid it'll happen to this one, too, but we shall see.
@jerjef: I know that. I'm not saying Titanfall 2 is a bad game. I'm just saying without a beta, I'm not buying it. I mean, if it had a beta, it doesn't mean I would for sure buy it. But I want to try it before I buy it. Maybe I'll get it severely discounted. But I only played the first game for a few hours before I became bored. It's just not my cup of tea, however, I understand why some people would like it. Doesn't mean it's not a shallow game. :P
@Marky360: I only say it's shallow because there is barely any teamwork involved at all. There are no classes, so you don't have to give anyone health, or ammo, or repair their vehicles or anything of the sort. Everyone has their own mech, and you can't switch between them. It's not shallow because it has futuristic guns. It's shallow because there aren't many gameplay options. I will give you this, though, it's not as shallow as CoD games.
@heydink: Why would I? I'll have Battlefield 1, which I know is the same company, but it's a much less shallow game that relies on teamwork and classes instead of pew pew guns.
@GT_APE: Agreed on that. Those graphics were incredibly disappointing. They looked like PS3/X360 gen graphics. Game doesn't really look all that much better, either, as an actual game.
@berserker66666: At least CD Projekt Red admitted they made a mistake and they did own up to that mistake. Ubisoft just sweeps that shit under the rug, and they do it with every single game they release.
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