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DramaStorm Blog

What's next for me?

Well...I am still somewhat sad, but otherwise recovering quite nicely after the bittersweet breakup between Danielle and I. But I shall not despair. For my life is still at its beginning. I have applied for a couple jobs, and I plan to apply for a couple more. This is not the first time I have applied for jobs in the past. But so far, I have been unsuccessful in landing a job anywhere. I will keep trying, however. And who knows? Maybe one day, I will secure a job somewhere. And maybe I will find a real girlfriend who lives close by me and who I can actually see and speak to and hug and kiss for real. The future still holds many mysteries, but I intend to find out everything the future holds for me. I am still writing my novel series and my fourth novel is now finished. I shall move onto the fifth novel and I shall market my work as well. Wish me the best of luck, everyone!!

Ta-Ta for now!

Best girlfriend ever?

I once met a young lady by the name of Danielle Tawney. She simply loved me. And I loved her. She only called me once and only sent me one photo of her. In fact, I am not even sure if she was the one who called me and I do not know if the young woman in the photo was even her! She told me she had long red hair and blue eyes. But the person in the photo looked to have brown hair and brown eyes instead. And the person I spoke to on the phone sounded sort-of like a guy. I still wonder about this to this day. Other men wanted to date her, but alas, I told her not to date them. She agreed. And as time went on, I thought about her more and more often. I always worried about her and always wondered where she was and what she was up to. I still wonder to this day, but I no longer worry about her? Why do you ask? The answer is quite simple: She and I were supposed to meet on the 15th of January. And before I go any further, yes this was an online girlfriend I had. And she and I simply adored each other at one time. The meeting never happened however. She was going to drive down here, but she had told me her car broke down. I found this rather hard to believe, considering how often she or her cousin (Whose name is Daniel ironically) always told me that she was unable to speak to me because her car was breaking down. She and I had rescheduled our meeting for around February 12th. But before we met, she and I had a disagreement and the love she once felt for me started to ebb away. And when the date of our meeting came around, once again, bad luck struck us down hard and she told me that she missed her flight and she broke up with me also. Why? Well, for one thing, she told me that I was thinking of her to much. And secondly, long-distance relationships do not seem to work out. And I suppose she did not want to break my heart any longer if she would have told me the sad news about not being able to see me for another two months due to her missing her flight to come and see me. But when I spoke to her, she told me that I was the best boyfriend she ever had. But was she the best girlfriend I ever had?

My novel series!

I am writing a novel series, which I hope will one day get published into actual books. This novel series is going to have a length which is similar in length to the Harry Potter series. And for now, this is really all I can say. Can you forgive me? Of course you can! But at least now you know what I've been up to!

Some of my blog posts have been deleted...

Hey, everyone. I regret to say that some of the blogs I have posted on here have been deleted for reasons unknown. Anyone who has not yet read my blog will be confused by it, due to the missing blog posts. I humbly apologize for any confusion this has caused those of you who read my blog.

And just so you know, I am not the one who has been deleting my blog posts.

Please help save innocent players from RuneScape bans and mutes!

Hey, everyone! After being gone for so long, I have made a fierce comeback! Today, I implore everyone for their help! There are a lot of players like me who have been unfairly muted or banned from RuneScape. And I ask everyone (And not just those people who play RuneScape) to cry out to Jagex Ltd. Tell them to unmute and unban those players who did not knowingly and willingly break the rules of RuneScape! Help players like me (My username is StormStryke4) get unmuted, so we can talk freely again, instead of having to use the Quick Chat feature in order to talk. Jagex claims that they care for their customers (ESpecially those who play RuneScape). But do they really? I wonder, because people who had an account on RuneScape used to be able to contact Jagex directly through the game's website. Unfortunately, Jagex removed this feature for unknown reasons. And to those of you who HAVE BEEN either permanently muted or banned, I ask you to spread this word to everyone you know! Because people who have been unfairly punished should not have to suffer these punishments for the rest of their lives! I was always polite and followed the rules as best as I could. Yet I got muted after only one person reported me. Why did they do this? Well, I was trying to be nice to them, but apparently, they took it the wrong way! To me, that sort of behavior does not deserve such harsh punishment!

I am DramaStorm, reporting live from

How to create your own ZZT game

Have you ever wanted to create your own game, but you don't know where to begin? Well, there exists a rather old game called ZZT. You can download it for free via the Internet. You can also download the ZZT Editor. This is what allows you to create your own ZZT game worlds. There are not very many games that offer this option, but if they do, you really should try it out! ZZT uses all the characters from the old version of the ASCII table. This means, that you can make the items you normally find in the game (Ammo, torches, gems, monsters, etcetera). But you can also make your own unique objects. You come across these many times in other ZZT games that other people created. Making these objects can be simple or quite hard, depending on what you want the object to do. The most simple objects in the game don't do anything at all! More detailed objects can send you a message, shoot at you, give you things, take things from you, make other objects do things, provide a menu of options for you to choose from, and many other things! In order to make the object work properly, you have to know what command codes to write in that program and you have to write them properly. Otherwise, the object will either give off an error message or it will do something very silly and different from what you wanted the object to do. The best way to make an object is to load up the editor in someone else's finished ZZT game and find an object similar to the one you want to create. Do not make any changes to the game. Simply look at that objects programming and copy it down for future reference.

The West: A slightly unfair online RPG

Some of you may have heard of a small, not quite popular game called The West. Well, the game is pretty good and I play it often. Though, sometimes, I think the game is a little unfair. Why? Well, for one thing, you don't gain levels very quickly on there. Nor do you get as much money from duels and jobs as you could. And each job has 5 bars: Wages, Experience, Luck, Danger, and Motivation. Every bar pretty much stays the same and has a certain percentage (0 to 100). The Motivation bar goes down graduallyas you do the job more often. It starts at 100% unlike the other bars. And of course, the game has weapons and armor you can equip to your character. And yes, many of these have required levels in order to use them. The game also has 4 different classes, each class having 4 male and 4 female profile photos. These classes all have distinct advantages and disadvangates. You can only choose a character class once you reach level 10. Before that, your class is a greenhorn. This class only has one advantage: Not being able to duel other players. The West also has optional quests you can complete for rewards, including cash, inventory items, and experience. Though, some of these quests have requirements you must fufill, such as giving money or finding a product while doing a job. Be aware that if you play this game long enough, you may be invited to join a town. Towns are usually created by other players in the game. Also be sure to play it often, as the more you gain experience, the more jobs, quests, weapons, and clothes you can unlock.

Teen Chat Hosts: The official former AOL chat room moderators

There was a time when many AOL chat rooms were moderated by people with special screen names. These people were known as chat hosts. Some people would think that chat hosts were merely auto-bots placed in a chat room to moderate it. These hosts would deny this statement and declare it as false. AOL had once special chat rooms for teenagers. These were the Teen Chat Rooms. These rooms had a cap on how many people could be in those rooms at any given time. They also had certain rules and guidelines, which were enforced by the teen chat hosts. AOL even had a web site for teens known as AOL RED. It featured all the things teens would be interested in. But the teen chat room rules were often broken by many people who came to visit those rooms. These rules also changed from time to time. If a rule was broken, the teen chat host would send a warning message to the rule breaker via the chat room text box. If the rule was severe or broken repeatedly, the host would simply suspend that person's teen chat priviledges for up to 30 minutes. They might even report that person to AOL if they broke a praticularly strict rule. Just about anyone could go into teen chat rooms, as far as I know...That is...Until they changed the guidelines. They (AOL) made it so that only people between ages 13 and 17 could enter the rooms and partake in the chat. They had several rooms with simple names, like bronze, copper, silver, gold, platinum, and even a couple role playing rooms. When the 13-17 rule first came out, anyone stating they were above or below that age limit would be kicked from the room by the chat host. Later on, the host would simply tell that person to leave the room immediately. If they did not comply, the host would suspend that person. AOL Teen Chat Rooms made for role play had a few extra guidelines. For instance: Role Play could not contain anything violent or suggestive. Then one day, the teen chat rooms were closed down and I did not find out about this until later on. Now as far as I know, there are no more AOL chat hosts.

No way!! Impossible!! Jury duty on my birthday!?

Well, it is true. And frankly, I think it's both a good thing and a bad thing. The good part about it is: I may be getting something good out of it. The bad thing? I will miss out on seeing the time this year in which I was born. But we plan to celebrate my birthday early, due to this sudden random event. I had jury duty less than 2 years earlier. It had been my first time going too. I was totally psyched! And I liked it, because even though I only served one day, it was pretty interesting. Now, I have been summoned once again! And I was SO SHOCKED when I found out that my serving day was also my birthday! Now that's what I call a near-impossible occurance! But I will carry on with this random event anyway, in the hopes that I will get something out of it, like last time. If it turns out that I don't have to go...Since I am a call-in juror this time, then I can just celebrate my birthday on that day. I guess you could sort of think of this as a win/win situation... And quite frankly, I feel very honored to be summoned or called up for anything in life!

Our new president Barack Obama!!

"Today, we're going to change history!" "Yes we can!" "Thank you!" "Change we can believe in!" "I accept your nomination!" says Barack Obama. This awesome man took on a path that many people would not be able to follow. (Pardon my stupid changing font) He fought against both fellow Democrats and angry Republicans. And in the end, he won it all. A lot of people agree that this country needs to make some serious changes. Well, I could not agree with them more! That's why I, along with my Mom voted for Barack Obama. We voted for him during the primaries and again on Election Day. We were so happy when we won, we could hardly contain our excitement. He carved a lot of historical moments during his campaign. My Mom and I both feel that if he had not won this election, there would be a lot less people living in this country. Thanks heavens for people of good heart.
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