Remove the DRM and support boot up from the disc. Its still able to play the game from the hard drive. Problem solved. But no, then you will lose control over everyone, Microsoft?
So what happens to my console 15 years down the road when there are no servers left supporting it? Becomes a brick along with all my games? I would like to know if I own my games or renting them.
Have you guys read Eurogamer? Microsoft is "teaming up" with Gamestop, giving them exclusive rights to sell and buy used games. No more selling our games on Ebay. No more tradning, give away or loaning games from friends. Microsoft do this so Gamestop will keep supporting them.
Gamestop, if you are in your right mind, dont support Microsoft. Shut down while you can, and DONT sell this crappy system.
Dreamcast86's comments