Know we know why EA removed the online passes. They dont need them anymore. Also, EA would never remove their online if Sony refused to go down a different path. My bet is that used games will be blocked on the PS4 as well. Yoshida only said that used games will work on the PS4. So can Microsoft say. They have only a retarded way on allowing it.
@Double-Ego Even Gamestop wins. We are no longer allowed to sell our games, but Gamestop will probably get the permision to do that. We cant even drag that shit company in the dirt with us.
Ok, Microsoft. We dont have to trade, rent, give away or sell games privatly. Come back when you offer the same deals as Steam does. Looking forward to the day I can buy Deus Ex Human Revolution for $5 at Xbox Live.
I cant wait to buy 50 games for this system that will be useless along with every console when Microsoft one day in the future pull the plug on the servers!! CANT WAIT!
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