@ESB @ortierian So you're saying instead of it magically popping up in your inventory like in the original you find them along the way are they in vendors or what? Cause I like the you have to earn it approach but I'd like to see how or where you'd get it.
@Shinteikun Yeah because a belmont succumbing to Darkness and becoming Dracula and fighting the Devil Himself isn't a good story at all...but guy who is sickly makes elaborate plots to get his ex homies girl in a castle with another vampire and because of a magic rock becomes Dracula...SO MUCH BETTER.
@Darri @Badgamewontsell SOTN fans hate LOS because they like there heroes to look like Bishonen, and their stories to include memes and plot holes the size of pluto. I mean these fans even praised Judgement a game universally reviled by everyone else but it's an IGA game so they all love it...kinda like COD fanboys.
@eilegz yeah bring iga back so we can get games like Castlevania Judgement...and the game turn from a classic gothic horror to a saturday morning twilight pokemon cartoon. Oh and don't forget the huge gaping plot holes the IGA series has at least LOS makes sense it's far more disturbing in an occult way, the art direction is beautiful...no one can deny that LOS had the most beautiful version of the Castle...only sucks there wasn't enough of it.
@davidbrasil First and Foremost Castlevania even SOTN was never an RPG really it was an action platformer that didn't have stats. SOTN started the stat trend and it was really kinda pointless as your gear was what really determined everything.
@MAD_AI @Vambran Stop Acting like a hipster elitist..and you asked for a version of the game to be made, you don't decide what version for what systems unless specifically stated.
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