@racerxgundam I agree and disagree..the Genesis had more open ended gameplay but the snes in terms of looks and story...destroyed the Genesis version hands down...I still have my carts for both game.
@FLEEBS @DredWulf @bonereaper69 "An open mind lacks focus." And my wife appreciates that I am not effiminate and am more rough and tumble than most modern men she dated prior to me, all I listen to is Black Metal and Death Metal I am an 11 yr Infantry Veteran who just retired last Tuesday. I too care about looking good you can't get a job or be generally pleasant without some self worth...but do I care about celebrity gossip, manicures, and all that other jazz this channel is going to promote..hell no **** that.
@FLEEBS @bonereaper69 That's a load of bullshit, I care about looking good but do I really care about what's the newest fashion or cooking?, if it tastes good I eat it. I care about Sports, and Cars, Games, Women and Violence...what any man who still remembers what it's like to be a man and not an effeminate metrosexual this channel is like a snobby spike TV.
@Ailith The problem is the gaming community as a whole is rather irresponsible look at this comment board as a perfect example you really want the conversation started by fanboys, internet trolls, btards, and entitlement freaks...there's a skit on dave chapelle what if the internet was like real life...watch it..both funny and informative.
@jubdeidamasta @spats77 @MGSFAN612 the people with psyche issues don't buy guns...no one has read the news...He Killed his mother then got her arsenal...that's not buying a gun that's murder also he didn't even shoot his mom...he apparently stabbed her to death with a sharp object so should we ban scissors and knives too?
@ACWH @Dekker451a @RenegadeGR We aren't the UK...this is fucking America..The United States of...we don't tell you how to run your country don't tell us how to run ours. There's a reason we went to war with you to begin with.
@Metallicwolf29 @NbAlIvEr10000 @TheZeroPercent even worse...Dante is actually based off one of the developers...Guy some "insert french last name" who looks like a total douchebag.
@WheelerJared fan backlash was so bad that developers said it no longer has anything to do with the original story line..kinda like how CastleVania Lords of Shadow has nothing to do with the original except in name...btw I love Lords of Shadow..that's a reboot done right.
@moncealyo The problem is this time it's not the conservatives but the liberals pulling the strings..yeah at the moment both parties are dancing to the same tune of stupidity..but as of now both are equally dumb.
DredWulf's comments