OK i passed the game in normal then hard now im at devastating
soo HARD or in other words IMPOSSIBLE you pratically die with 2 hits of the lamest pistol in the game and i cant get trough 3rd chapter and just thinking I'm gonna have to go past more 18 chapters...
orange box cuz you get maybe 20 ours of gameplay or maybe less or more i dont really know then a more few hours with portal and then a really fun game the team fotress 2 anc cod4 you will only have 4 hours of so36 gameplay and its lamme if you buy it only because of the online mod
cuz in uncharted evry batle you have to think estratigic the best places to take cover and all that stuff and its not repetitive as you think it is cuz you will have missions run on the car killin o ther people swiming runing from zombies so its not that repetitive now with ac combat is always the same saving people its always the same they even say the SAME THING
pikotep its to the same thing and the most lamest thing is sit on a bench press a button a hear the conversation and the visual glitchs like the horse gets handicapbtw other stuff
lol i gotta say his for what i heard its better uncharted go to ign and see assassins creed is one of the top 5 desapoitemtents of the year and they say the game is better to rent than buy cuz is to repetive the end suks too many glitches but the game is still awsome thx to the grafiks and gameplay anyway they are totaly diferent games it depends to on what games you like to me i think i like more the uncharted cuz the storyline is awsome it has alot of smart humor it doesnt have those lamme jokes that doesnt make a guy laugh soo for me i stik with uncharted but im gonna buy assassins creed too
i never played saint rows i have ps1 ps2 and ps3 call me fanboy if you anyway i have gta san andreas AND IT WAS FUKING AWSOME and when i saw saint rows i was like :o
and now theyre making for ps3 well i think i would bu saint rows for ps3 cuz i think the cheat on the 1st one to make ragdoll was hilarious.
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