So, before I leave the sweentess of college my folks would like to help me purchase
a new lap top so I might create generic power points for a job. Since gaming is awesome,
I would like to continue that as well. Yet this new laptop must be no nonsense.
I want a mullet laptop - business up front, party in the back. I'm looking at the
Asus N51VF-A1, N51Vn-A1, and the N81Vp-C1. If you check Red Barn Computers, click Asus laptops,
and scroll down, all the specs are listed. Not only must the new laptop show high detailed pie charts,
but be able to play D3, SC2, and Bioshock 2 - in order for me to keep sane.So I ask:
1. Will all of these handle these games?
2. Which one is more best?
3. What else would you recommend in the < $1600 price range?
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