@Darkefka @DukeBriggs no, not everyone. but, realistically, do you think more than 98% of the users on gamespot can actually game? or are they mostly just talk? i'd like to think that, much like in the real world, people talk a lot more crap than they're actually worth. i'm sure there are quite a few of us on here that could outgame the living hell out of the gamespot staff, but the majority are probably too busy sucking on their mum's tit to game decently.
I love how everyone loses their shit when a moderately attractive girl is knowledgeable about video games. Sure, she's alright, sure she can probably game better than most of you, but is that really any reason to confess your creepy love to someone who's doing it for the paycheck, and has been given her job based solely on the fact that her genitals are different than most of the others with any practical knowledge of video games? Probably not.
Will my post stop you from doing it again? Probably not.
@beuneus12 unfortunately that's not what the article says at all. it says that they revealed classified information, which was most likely about tactics, which definitely means it's the information they shared.
that's pretty much all I see below. this game seems to have everything from the past, and as far as everyone can tell, it get's better every new slice of pie that they seem to feed us. you know you'll buy it.
What the actual fu*k is an emo Dante, exactly? All previous Dante's were pretty gothic, didn't exactly hear you all bitching about that. You're just looking for something to complain about.... Weak.
@Vickman178 agreed entirely. it's a shame they shot themselves in the foot with an original project and couldn't sell nearly enough to break even, though it definitely deserved it. it had its problems, but the good outweighed the bad tremendously.
DukeBriggs' comments