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I am... The Blaster Master!!

I hit level 22 today on Gamespot and the title of Blaster Master has come at a good time. I blasted a new personall highscore on Geometry Wars recently. I got around 1.5 million :)  That game is so bad on my thumbs!!!

Broke 1 million score on Geometry Wars!!

Well, my thumbs are sore but I recently got a little over 1 million score in Geometry Wars! I have been checking out some videos online to see how others play to see if I can pick up some strategies. I seem to be doing worse by following their strategies lol. So I might stick to my own. We shall see hehe :)

Cows getting owned on System Wars (List of threads)

Hello everyone , I am keeping a list of thread where cows are getting CLEARLY owned in threads. This list is only for the obvious ownage where it's clear as day that they were wrong and proven wrong. None of this self proclaimed owning.

  1. http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25297445&msg_id=282562279  - Godson07 getting owned when stating that Xbox360 could not do 1080p.

Feel free to add any threads in the comments and if it's a fantastic ownage then I'll update the list.

mmmmm Gears of War!!

Well, I was an avid Quake lover. Quake 1 and Quake 3 arena mostly. I have mastered and embrace the mouse and keyboard combo. However, I kept hearing about people loving Halo so much. I could not picture myself playing an FPS or TPS with a controller seeing that I was so used to my mouse and keyboard combo.

Enter GEARS OF WAR.  Rave reviews of graphics and gameplay etc. I figured I would try playing this game and see if i could master the controller. Well first I guess console games gameplay are made for controllers. So that made the transition a little easier then I thought. I am getting used to aiming with the controller.  I am loving this and I know that I will continue to improve with my controller. I am playing the single player campaign on casual at the moment.  I am going through this without much problems. I die hear and there but mostly because of experimenting and plain stupidity on my part :)

I have yet to try online play as I want to get a little more skilled before I go get owned on Live lol. Granted I do catch on fast and will probably get quite a few kills under my belt as well :)

See you on Live soon enough folks :)

I finally received it!!

Well, I finally got my Xbox 360. It's been setup and now all there is left to do is play it and have fun! :)

Gotta find some games that my wife will enjoy as well :)


Wooohooo I found a delivery notice for my Xbox 360 :) :) :)   I just have to pick it up tonight at the post office. However, I work a 12 hour shift today. What a tease! :P

4 Free Months of Internet

Well, thanks to Bell's incredible incompetence and being unable to deliver my Xbox 360 (still dont have it as off Dec 27th). I have been given 4 months of free internet.  Let's see if they finally deliver my Xbox or if they prefer to see how many free months I can accumulate :)

Bell can go to H E double hockey sticks!!!!!

I ordered my Xbox 360 on November 9th and here I am on Dec 25th and I STILL do not have it. I mean I know Bell has HORRIBLE customer service but this is ridiculous!!!!  Luckily I already got 2 months of internet free because they did not deliver the xbox 360 bewfore dec 15th. Once they open up again I will be calling to receive even more months off for not having gotten my xbox 360.

What really pisses me off is if I did have children and the 360 was their gift how sad would they have been on Christmas morning to receive a picture of the 360 and me saying. This is what you might get in the next 6 months if Bell gets off their butt!!!

Anyhow, I might end up getting a free xbox 360 with all the free months I am accumulating. Thank you Bell Canada for your horrible customer service! :)

Finally getting an Xbox 360

Well, I am finally getting an Xbox 360!! Hooray. I saw a deal where I basically can pay 10 bucks more a month for my internet and I will get an Xbox 360 with 3 games, 3 months of xbox live gold. This lasts for 3 years , so basically I am paying 360 dollars for a 500 machine + the cost of 3 games _ xbox live for 3 months. How could I pass this up? The only problem now is that I am playing the waiting game as the Xbox 360 has to be shipped to me L  It feels like forever, I ordered November 9th and still have not received it!!! L My friend also got the same deal so we are both anxious to play game together again. It’s been a while that we have gamed together. Since the Everquest 1 days. I quit playing MMORPGs and he went on to WoW. Luckily he finally quit that too and is back to console gaming with me. Hooray!! J