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He..Hey... Remeber me??

Yep.. It's been a while, you know... I've just realized over the past few months, that I'm more of a Movie/TV show fan than a Gamer, whereas, a couple of years ago, that wasnt the case at all, I remember a year after Resident Evil 4 came out, I was still playing it over and over again, I think I beat that game over 10 times by now, I'd be sitting in my dark bedroom all day just playing it, I kind'a felt sick doing it, but I really didn't know to do, so I'd just play it all day in the summer wasting those three precious months where I could'vetried losing weight.

I thought of myself as this serious hardcore gamer, but really, the only reason I was playing itover and over again was because it one of the only games I could beat, around that time thehype for the Wii was huge, boy did I love to day dream I was playing The Legend of Zelda with a Wii-remote and a nunchuck swinged the Wii-remote in a highly exaggerated fashion thinking that's the way I'd play Twilight Princess...yeah, It's not like that at all, really if it were like that I think It'd be really tedious don't ya think??

Then I think after like 6 months, of the Wii's release, I picked it up, bought a couple of games, I got little crazy when Super Smash Bros Brawl came out, my cousins and I played the **** out it but didn't completly relive those bat-**** crazy days we spent playing Melee, than I slowly got bored with my Wii( My cousins aswell, they got a PS3), until No More Heroes came out, and I and went through that RE4 phase of playing the game over and over again... and I stopped, I just got bored with the game,I'll replay it amonth before NMH2 comes out,and yeah, and I think the beginning of 2008 I got really serious with movies, and with collecting DVDs, and I think I hit the 300 DVD mark by now, but it really isn't about quantity.

Anyway, let's go to the present, It's the 24th of October, and I have a Math test tommorow, and It's a big one, It's not like a little quiz, but I already studied well, I still need to practice and study s'more and hopefully I'll get a good grade, I have to start taking school a bit seriously, I've only got three years left. and I'm realizing that, I'm gonna have to seriously decide what I want to do for a living, andget those crazy dream jobs of mine out of my head, I know.. I know "you should do whatyou love", but in the end of the day, maybe your not good at what you love, I mean the world is filled with people passionate about movies and graphic novels, but how many of them can actually write/direct/draw?? not a lot, because I found out that you can be highly imaginative and have clever and sometimes original ideas, but when your staring at thatblank Microsoft Word page, you feel like killing yourself because nothing is happening on your moniter.

Also about that "I could've beentrying to loseweight" remark, yeah, that's what I'm doing now, It's nothing too drastic, because well..... I'm not expecting to have good heathly body instantly, a body a female could find attractive, yeah.. I'm doing it for girls, can you blame me?? I'm a teenager, I'm doing it for all the wrong reasons, but hey, I atleast I have someting to keep me going.

And actually I've been playing Madworld and The Conduit on and off for the last month or so, so yeah... I havent completly gotten bored with my Wii, I never will, because still there are some interesting titles coming out in the future that I'd to check out, and I'm also trying to tone down my DVD collecting addiction, I'm just not rewatching a lot of them, and Im just trying to just buy new releases of movies and TV shows and like and stop the "spending an hour or so in a store browsing through they're entire library hoping to find something I want""

That's it.

Fun Question #1

What Nintendo DS game you keep going back to play even if you have just bought new games for the system?

For me It'll be New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart DS, no matter what new game I'm playing I'd just stop playing it, go to playing NSMB and MKDS for sometime than go back to playing it, it kept happening to me a lot when played Trauma Center Under the Knife 2

Oh God...I'm so happy my Birthday is 12 Days Away

Yes people.... in 12 days, I'll be 15 :), wanna know why I'm happy? because my birthday is 12 days away, well...yeah, but I'm really happy because if you've realised, lately I've just been making like monthly blogs, but that's not really because I've been busy, It's really just because I have nothing to talk about, but now I do, because in the past month a lot of Wii and DS, just let me give you an idea what I'm hopefully going to get on my birthday

MadWorld BoxshotPokemon Platinum Boxshot Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop Boxshot Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Boxshot The House of the Dead: Overkill Boxshot

Madworld: I want this 100 percent want this looks amazing, sure it got a 7.5, but I don'tknow, It seems really fun.

Pokemon Platinum: I love Pokemon... when I got Pearl version I got like 15 hours on the game in like 5 days and It wasa school week, I can really get addicted to Pokemon, so yes...I'm getting this

Dead Rising Chop Till you Drop: I'm 50/50 on this, I mean the reviews are mixed s I'm not sure, but this just looks soo fun, but I don't know, I don't want to use up all my birthday money on games... so I don't know there's a big chance I'm not getting it'.

GTA Chinatown Wars: I saw my cousin playing itI dont know... I meanit got a 9.5... but from the gameplay videos, It doesn't look like something I'd enjoy, I never like to progress in GTA, I just like to beat up people and run away from the cops, I admit it, so I might not get it.

House of The Dead: Overkill: 50/50 on this.... I might get it, but I don't think so.

Finally a GOOD "Hardcore" Wii Title

The House of The Dead: Overkill, got a 8 on Gamespot, watched a couple of video reviews on youtube and I'm soo happy, I've had a break from a couple of months from buying Wii games because there hasnt been anything I'm interested in.

I'll pick it up as soon as possible, and there are some "hardcore" titles coming up soon, so I"M VERY VERY HAPPY!!, ( in Video Games terms )

And here my Troubles Begin

It's that time again, the time were I just get depressed and annoyed, yes, It's time to say goodbye to the holiday's and hello to School ( Well atleast for me, and I mean Hello to school kicking and screaming ) tommorow I have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go to school.

and man, does time fly, I mean I feel like I've had 5 days off school when I've had 15 days off, which is not enough, I mean this is our last break were getting from school, after this I have to go to school every day for... until summer starts and yes I'll have a "weekend" but my school fills it up with homework some times.

but whatever I guess, Im I'm going to go out today, just have a little bit of fun before the gates of hell open up, I'm going to theaters, I don't know what to watch, I feel like rewatching Slumdog Millionaire, A great movie, you guys have to watch it, It's one of my favorite movies of last year ( I know I didn't mention it in my blog of my favorite films of '08, but I just watched it last week ) but I don't know.... there's this other film out that I'm kind'a interested in, It's an animated film called The Tale of Desperaux ( or something like that ), but I doubt Im gonna like it more than...let's say WALL E ( One of the best Pixar films )

anyway, I just felt like blogging,

General Update of What I've been doing

So I just checked the date of my last blog and I made that blog on January 1, and today is January 21, so I've been gone for exactly 20 days, but I visited the website every two or three days, you know, just to check up on you guys, but honestly, sometimes I feel there is no point in blogging, because I have about two or three people, that I am sure will comment, so I don't know, It just doesn't seem worth it at times, but, It's not like no one cares about me on the internet, I mean Princess Jill sent me a PM asking me about my inactivity, so yeah, It worth blogging I guess.

Okay, Umm so what have I been doing, these twenty days, well, I spent Ten days on my Mid-Year Exams, but kind'a Ten Days and one week because I spent the week before studying, and well I finished my exams on the 14th, but I didn't blog for about 6 days I guess, I mean I didn't have anything to do, so there's no excuse except laziness.

but what I've been doing on the internet is I've been going to this website called Spill.com, you guys should check it out, they have movie reviews, blogs, podcasts, about movies and comic books, basically anything geekly, and I've been addicted it to it, I love the website, so I've been spending some time on there.

I've also been watching a lot of movies, but I always do that, you guys should know that :P, I've also gotten into Graphic Novels, and I've been having fun.

I've also been developing idea's for a comic book script, yes I want to start writing, but Im still working on idea's.

Game of The Year 2008

I felt like making this blog right now, My Game of The Year for 2008, the rules are that that the game HAS to have come out in this year,

Game of The Year:

Mario Kart Wii Boxshot

Yes, Mario Kart Wii, I tried to think about it and if you guys actually think about it's actually one of those sequells that is a lot better than the original offering more karts and more characters, with a peripheral that adds to the experience of the game, now I don't own a 360/PS3 so don't expect any games from those systems and don't think I'm a fanboy, I'm not a fanboy, but from the games I've played this year, this game I feel really deserves it, and the online experince is flawless.

Games that were supposed to be my GoTY:

Super Smash Bros Brawl (I love this game, It's really fun to play with friends, but the thing is, it's the second sequel to a game and it doesn't improve that much on the original, the online mode is bad and they still have those clones, but it's still a good game)

No More Heroes ( Original game, very fun, but honestly very glitched and has problems, but nonetheless a great game )

Portable game of the Year

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Boxshot

Yes, Crisis Core, for having the best graphics I've ever seen on a portable before, a very fun Action RPG and well, It's just a very good game.

Top 10 Best Movies of 2008

We only have a day left until the year 2008 is over and it just feels wierd, because, man, time flies, I don't why it feels that way, but anyway, 2008 was a great year for movies, video games, I would say music, but I just hate music that we have these days, so here's my top 10 movies of 2008, I'll do an honorable mentions and worst movies of 2008, also I'll start off saying you wont see Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Tropic Thunder in this list, why? because I havent seen them yet and from what I heard from both them, it looks like one or even both of them might be in the list but I have to watch them first, and why did I mention this? because everyone seems to have them in they're list, well Tropic Thunder seems to be in every list.

10. The Spiderwick Chronicles

I can't provide a picture of the poster, sorry. Anyway, I'll start off saying I LOVE Fantasy movies and sometimes I feel there arent enough of them, and this was a very good fantasy film, of course it's not as good as Lord of The Rings but still this one was very good, the actor Freddie Highmore is still a kid but he has a talent, he was great in Charlie and The Choclate Factory and he's even better in this, Sara Bolger who played the sister isn't that known of an actress but she was good too, a lot of people thought she annoying

well, she was a little annoying, but I found her to be really hot, so she didn't really annoy me, anyway, great movie, you guys should watch it

9. -

Hellboy II The Golden Army, sorry for this picture, It's really terrible but its the only one that I could find and was this size, I also found out that Drew Struzan who is one of the greatest artists of our time (He painted The Indiana Jones posters, and The Stars Wars posters) actually painted a poster for the first Hellboy movie and they didn't use it and it looked great, I don't know why they didnt use it, anyway, lets get bck to Hellboy 2

Now this movie was really good, Ron Perlman was good, Selma Blair was good and the whole movie looks gorgeous and you have to thank Guerllmo Del Toro the director of the movie for that, he's really good with CGI, but the writing is bad, honestly some parts were terrible and the actors didn't react like real humans, but I got over that and enjoyed the movie, but nothing like Del Toro's last film Pan's Labyrinth, that movie is one of the great films of this decade and it's in my top 20 greatest films of all time list.


Cloverfield, now when I first watched this in the theaters I thought it was ok, but after a while I thought about it and this movie was amazing, I mean, when was the last time we've seen a monster film? and if you could get over the shakey cam thing, you'd realize that this movie is great, but it had some problems that annoyed me, but still it's a great movie and I heard they're making a sequel and that's good

7. Hancock

Sorry I can't provide a picture of the poster, This movie was funny and it had some special effects that looked good, great cast, Will Smith is one of my favorite actors so that helped me like the film, Jason Bateman was great, Charlie Theron was good, basically a summer block buster and it was great

6. -

This is my third favorite Indiana Jones film, my least favorite one is of course The Temple of Doom, anyway, I know a lot of people didn't like aspects of this film and they were nit picking, because when I went to the theater, I sat back, with some popcorn and a drink and watched the movie and I really enjoyed myself, It a very fun movie, with some parts that were funny, some action scenes and Harrison Ford is just great as Indiana Jones, Shia Labeouf was in the movie, I think he's kinda becoming an overrated actor because he's been in a lot of films lately but still I like him, anyway, this movie was just a fun movie, nothing more than that.

5. -

This movie was awesome, I'm happy they didn't spend a lot of time focusing on origins of the Hulk, Ed Norton was a perfect choice as Bruce Banner, Liv Tyler...well I don't lke her, but she was fine in the movie, Tim Roth was excellent, The CGI effects great, the last 20 minutes were amazing and Robert Downey Jr has a Cameo at the end of the film and Robert Downey Jr played Iron man, that's all I could say

4. Kung Fu Panda

Sorry, can't provide a picture of the poster, well, I made a mistake, this movie was supposed to be in the 5th spot and The Incredible Hulk was supposed to be in the 4rth, but that doesn't matter because both films were awesome, Dreamworks animation always seems to have a great movie inbetween bad movies, this is one of the really good ones, The Shrek trilogy was good I liked all three movies, Madagascar movies were good, but the second wasnt as good as the first, The Ice Age movies arent that good really, I liked the first, thought the second was fine, I'll watch the third but I don't know what to expect really, but this one is different, It has great CGI animation but I won't give the movie points for that because...basically any Pixar film has better CGI than Dreamworks films, but this one was funny and they're hand-to-hand combat scenes that would make you think this is a martial arts film

but something Dreamworks can't seem to understand is that, seriously you don't need Celeb voices, I mean they got Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, I mean seriously, I'm a big fan of all these celeb's but the people that are going to watch this film are kids who don't know any of these people, Jack Black was needed but I don't know why they need all these celeb's when they can get professinal voice actors and pay them less money, and well, the major roles were Jack Black and Angelina Jolie, but seriously, I mean Jackie Chan's voice was in the movie for like a minute, he barely said anything, it's not like Shrek were they needed the voices, In Shrek they needed Michael Myers, Eddie Murphy, Antonio Banderas and Cameron Diaz but in this movie I don't think they needed all these celeb's.


Sorry can't provide a picture of the poster, What can I say about this film that hasnt already been said, The CGI Animation is excellent but that's what were used to experince from PIXAR, It plays on your emotions better than any animated film you will ever see, It has a love story between robots that feels more realistic and heartbreaking than any thing you will ever see whether it's animation or live action, It's just THAT good, You might cry at some points of the film, and at the begining you just feel very bad for WALL E and I don't know It's just a very good film, it could be my favorite film of 08, but my love for Marvel/DC Comic Book films is just very strong, also I'd like to say that I realized this recently, I didn't feel this way when I first watched WALL E


In the second spot, Iron Man, This movie is soo good, everything is good, you already have a great plot, and the cast is BEYOND AWESOME, Robert Downey Jr is well like I just said BEYOND AWESOME, He should really get the best actor in a lead role award, because he deserves it and the supporting cast are great also, Gwenyth Paltrow is great, when she's on screen with Robert Downey, It feels very real, you believe that shes Pepper Potts, Jeff Bridges is great, he's always great, Terrance Howard was good, and I'm kind of sad to hear that he wont be in the sequel, he'll be replaced with Don Cheadle who is a great actor, but I don't know, basically...you HAVE to watch this film

1. -

You expected this from a mile away, I mean everyone has it in they're list, and I think it should get Best Picture award for 08, The Dark Knight is amazing, from having a great story to an equally great cast, everything works in this movie, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, everyone is great, and Christopher Nolan the director of this movie is one of my favorite movie directors of all time and I already talked a LOT about this movie in previous blogs so I won't say much right now.

Honorable Mentions:

Wanted ( This was a good film, great cast, good story, but overall it wasn't anything that amazing and the writing was terrible, James Mcavoy narrates the film and the thing he's saying are plain stupid at times )

Get Smart ( The movie was good, the cast was good, it had a few good laughs, but overall nothing too amazing, I mean it's based off a show that was spoofing James Bond films and we already have the Austin Powers trilogy that already spoofs James Bond so how many James Bond spoofs can we have? )

Mamma Mia! ( The cast is great, I mean you have Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth and other actors and actresses that are good and it's based off a broadway musical that has people singing the ABBA songs and ABBA is one of my favorite bands of all time, so this movie was enjoyable, because I love the songs, but honestly, just stupid )

Mummy Tomb of The Dragon Emperor ( I watched the first two mummy movies on DVD before this movie came out and I loved the movies soo much, so I was expecting a lot from this movie and I was disapoointed, because it has all....CGI and the story was stupid, the jokes werent funny and Rachael Weiss wasn't in the movie, so I don't know, It wasnt that great, but the CGI effects were GORGEOUS )

The Forbidden Kingdom ( This movie is basically a fan service to people who love Jackie Chan and Jet Li's martial arts film and it was a good movie but they're was something about it that I didn't like )


1. Meet The Spartans ( Dumb, Retarded and just DUMB, its not funny, it's god awful when are they going to stop MAKING THESE TERRIBLE FILMS, after this I decided I'll never watch another spoof film from these guys, so I havent watched Disaster Movie, and the only spoof movie I'm planning to watch is Scary Movie 5 and thats ONLY if it gets mixed reviews and yes mixed reviews because they're is no way it's going to get postive reviews )

2. Bedtime Stories ( THe last film I watched in the theaters, well... it was bad, the jokes were stupid, Adam Sandler should stick to Comedy target to adults because this was just stupid, the whole cast was bad, Russel Brand that british guy who I really like didn't help this film a lot, he was actually funny in the movie, but he wasn't on screen enough, and well I don't know it was just stupid, although I've discovered Teresa Palmer..who is a terrible actress, but She's really...hot.

3. The Love Guru ( Stupid, Stupid and Retarded and stupid, It wasn't funny, I got a few chuckles here and there but still it was just stupid )

4. Twlight ( I know some people would get mad that I'm saying this but this MOVIE IS TERRIBLE, Robert Pattinson was good, I liked him in the 4rth Harry Potter film but he wasnt that good in this film, Kristen Stewuart is ok, and the whole supporting cast was terrible, except the guy who played her father, the story is just stupid, they're vampire lore doesn't make any sense AT all, and just stupid, I hate the fact that I saw this movie instead of seeing Bolt which I hear is a good animated film

Hope you enjoyed this blog, I know I don't make that many blogs these days, but I just don't feel like it sometimes and well like I said a million times, I have nothing to blog about.

Comic Books / Comic Book Movies / Writing

Well... I havent blogged like a week and I seriously need to start getting used to the fact that I just don't have the time or effort to make a huge well made blogs, anyway, in this blog I'll be talking ( well technically "typing" ) about Comic Books, Comic Book movies and writing, because lately that's something I feel like getting into.

Comic Books:

I've been reading some comic books lately, and it's all because I found a store in a mall I visitly weekly that sells comic books, I had bought a comic book from there a year ago and I thought it was rare to find a store that sells comic books, most stores sell comic books which are mainly like comic strips collected into one book, like Garfield (Which I love) and things like Archies, Asterix and so on, those are great, really funny comic books but I wanted some superhero comics, like Marvel and DC

And I found them in the store and for a well...really cheap price, I usually pay about 3$ for an Archies Double Digest, but in this store, every single comic book is about 1$ and that's a PERFECT price, I mean now, I just go there every week and buy almost every comic book they have and the next week they'd have some more, but now since I've been buying a lot, I've realized that they keep getting more and from the looks of it... I'm the only person that actually buys them, I mean right now they probably have about 2-3 Marvel/DC comics in there and the only reason I didn't get them is because I have them, so now I'm really happy, because these comic books are really good.

anyway, let's get to what i'm ACTUALLY reading, well last night I read the Comic Book adaptation of the Hulk movie, not the one that came out this year, the Ang Lee Hulk that everyone hates, this is a comic book version of it... and I can safely say it's better than the movie.

I only picked up a random issue of The Hulk, and another issue of Uncanny X- Men, which is really good, I also got some JLA, and I also got a Silver Surfer one, the Silver Surfer one looks very old, the art looks like it was made in the 50s, so i'll have to research that one and see if I actually own a rare comic book.

anyway, Comic books are awesome.. and the price I'm getting them for are PERFECT!!


Comic Book Movies:

I'm basically going to talk about my take on the Batman 3, idea's for a Superman movie.

- First of all, a sequel to The Dark Knight, It HAS to be directed by Nolan, it's basically his series right now, Burton's first movie was succesful, second wasn't that succesful so they got him off the series, Schumacher's Batman was well... succesful or something, but Batman and Robin was well...terrible as you know so they pulled him off the series, Nolan's Batman sequel was actually better than the original which is Batman Begins, so they have to let him direct the sequel to The Dark Knight

These are the things that I want to added to the sequel

- I want The Riddler to be the villian, but actually working on the character and finding actors to play him and getting the right costume, working on his personality and such is going to be a tough job, because if you realized, Nolan's Batman series makes it seem realistic, his movies make us feel like there's actually a Gotham city, so It'll be very hard adding this character in a type of realistic setting, but Nolan can do it.

- Adding more to Two-Face's character, I know people say Aaron Eckhart had enough screen time as Harvey Dent, but I want more of Two-Face, also, isn't Two-Face supposed to be fighting with himself like mentally, where he can't control being bad, or well...his well bad all the time but gets some outbursts from his good side or something like that, I mean they didn't show any of his fighting between two personalities in The Dark Knight, he was flat-out a bad guy.

- I know this sounds lame... but I love Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine's roles in The Dark Knight, I want to see more of them in the sequel.

Enough with Batman, let's talk about Superman, the last Superman movie with Brendan Routh that came out in 06 was GREAT, I don't understand why they're not running off making a sequel to it, It's just very good.



I already told you about my two movie projects, well, one of them is kind of cancelled, the one about two mobsters, I know I said that it's supposed to have a pschylogical element to it where, probably someone is imagining, some sort of huge twist or something like that, but I don't know, It didn't work out.

I also have another idea but I didn't even first the first page of it, I didn't even try to write it, because something like this needs to all be planned out in my head before I can actually start writing, I need to know how it ends and than how it starts and how everything happens, I want it to sorta be like Pulp Fiction sorta' movie where like not all the scenes are in order, and at the end you understand everything sorta thing or something like Snatch, but the problem is, I can't seem to come up with any story that doesn't have to do with the supernatural, actually I really want it to be something like Snatch.

The idea that I wrote one page for so far, It's about an organization that stops crime, how? well everyone in the organization has the ability to move they're spirits out of they're bodies and into the criminal's body and stop them and that's so far what I thought out, I still have to work on it.

last idea is well...not really an idea, but I've realized that it's very easy finding people on the internet who want to make short horror films, so I thought I should write some and give to a amateur director, but he might steal the idea or something like that, anyway, It's a short film, so it won't take that long to write out.

Writing a Screenplay / Reccomendations for Movie Purchases

It's been like 8 days since my last blog, and you might be wondering why it's been that long, it's not that I'm busy or anything, I just have nothing to blog about it, so I decided to blog about something I'm working on, It's a screenplay, or basically a script for a movie, so far I had two idea's and I started working on one and I stopped and now I'm working on another one, also, I want to you guys to reccomend movies you think I'll like, not just any movie, movies you watched and think I'd like.

Anyway, the screenplay I've been writing, the first screenplay which I stopped writing, but I basically can continue anytime I want, but just don't have any idea's or don't really feel like expanding the story.

It's about a specific breed of Wolves that have human brains and can transform into to human beings (for a certain amount of time), but also they have the ability to fuse they're Human and They're Wolf transformations which makes them Wolfmen basically, but that's not it, It's also about an Organization called SILVER that hunts down these wolves, and these wolves arent like The Wolfman who at midnight transform and start killing people no, the reason SILVER wants to kill them is because they don't want another species to exist that can actually think like them, but The Wolves arent just innocent species, the Wolves "recruit" other wolves that have human brains, and how do they recruit? by biting any random human and turning them into Wolves and they erase any previous memory, and they're motives arent really clear.

I don't know, It either sounds brilliant or plain stupid, but the movie is supposed to have this theme which is that, No one is innocent or something like that, I havent fully developed it because I only wrote about seven pages and I'm supposed to have atleast 80-90 pages if I want a movie that's over 90 minutes.

and I stopped working on it to work on another screenplay and the reason I did that, is because I havent really developed a lot of idea's for this, and I don't want to make up anything that's stupid and there is NO way I will be actually making it, when you write a screenplay about something like this you probably need over 10 Million Dollars to back you up, probably for some CGI effects, for places to shoot, actors, so there is no way this is going to happen unless magically a major studio buys it from me, which is very unlikely, because well... it was concieved by a 14-year-old and it's not the most original story ever, I got idea's for this from a lot of things.

Anyway, my other idea which doesn't need 10 Million Dollars to make probably needs about 10 Thousand Dollars or even less, is about two guys who work for an organization who sends them to kill people, and that's like the most unoriginal story ever, but this movie has twist and a huge twist that probably changes the whole plot and everything, and It has a pschylogical theme to it, that's all I can say, and It's a short film, It's about 25=30 minutes long, and the whole screenplay is going to be about 10 pages and I've written about... 7 pages by now, so I'm 70% done, and I think Id actually like to be a writer for short films, for me, It's always fun to work on something that I can finish in a day, I mean I can easily write a screenplay in one day, and that's only if I already understand te concept and where the story is going, and also if I'd be a writer for short independant films, and I think I'd do it for free, because it's really fun, but I doubt any director would want me to write a film for him/her.

I was also wondering if you guys could reccomend some movies you think I'd enjoy, I don't really care what year they were made or what genre, I just want some reccomendations.