Ok, this is the third time I attempt to make this blog, so anyway, I'm reviewing Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror and Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, basically as you can see, these films are a double feature called Grindhouse, which is basically can old type of theater that had movies with missing reels, scratchy film stock and such and Tarantino and Rodriguez are trying to recreate that in these movies, and my second review is gonna be Sin City, which I had just watched.
Death Proof (Tarantino's Segment)
Now, basically this movie is a bout a guy who murders young woman with his "Death Proof" car.
Ok, first I'll tell you guys the things I liked about the movie.
I'm really into cars, and if your into car chase's than you'll love the last 20 minutes of the movie.
The movie had suspense, also, I would like to say that Kurt Russel was amazing, basically, you can tell that he is the guy who is gonna kill the girls, but, he plays this random old guy at the beginning of the movie to the point that you might even forget that he is the killer, and he transfroms instantly into this killer.
Idon't really know why but I prefer it over Planet Terror is because well, It had the "Tarantino" Dialogue in the film, and if you don't know what I'm talking about it, it's this thing Tarantino does in most of his films where he writes up dialogue that have nothing to do with the plot of the movie, but you still are interested to hear what they're saying.
Also, I mentioned in the beginning of this blog that these two movie's are supposed to be a tribute to the old "Grindhouse" theaters, so basically when your watching, you'll be seeing some missing reels, also scratchy film stock, It looks like an old print of an old movie, but not to the point that it'll effect the enjoyability of the movie, actually I didn't really notice.
Now, I'll talk about some of the things I didn't like.
I hated the fact that not a lot of scenes had cars, I mean, I expected some a lot of car chases, but I guess the car chase at the end of the movie makes up for it.
Planet Terror had a lot of well-known actors and actresses, I mean they had Bruce Willis, Josh Brolin, this movie basically had Kurt Russel and that's basically it, because I didn't recognize a lot of actors and actresses I knew, but it doesn't matter because they did a terrific job.
Planet Terror (Rodriguez's Segment)
Now don't get me wrong, in my review of Death Proof I made it sound like I hated this movie, and that's not true, I loved this movie, but not as much as Death Proof.
This movie didn't really take itself seriously, it had a lot of funny jokes and some good action scenes I guess, I really liked the story of the movie was better than Death Proof, this movie had better music, I don't know, but for some strange reason I prefer Death Proof over it.
Now basically I don't really know, ok, let's just scratch what I said, I don't prefer it over Death Proof, both of them are awesome and I like them equally.
But something's I didn't like in the movie is that Bruce Willis is in about....3-5 minutes of the movie, this movie wasn't taking itself seriously so this isn't really a problem., but I really wish the movie had some scenes where Zombie's were blowing up.
I love Sin City, this movie was amazing, everything about it, the actors and actresses, the voice-overs by the characters in the movie were amazing, it actually looked like a comic book
I am picking the Graphic Novels this movie is based on, because honestly I didn't expect to like it this much, I loved Micky Rourke's portrayal of Marv, Clive Owen's portrayal of Dwight and Bruce Willis's portrayal of Hartigan.
I mean, Jessica Alba was great in this, Elijah Wood was good too, there are not a lot of weak point's in this movie, If I make a top 10 favorite movies of 2005 It might be in the third or 2nd place or maybe even be in the first place, I don't know, I just loved this film.
but I'll admit, the whole Black-and-White thing needs about 10 to 20 minutes to get use to, but I didn't really mind, I was so caught in the story of the film that I just wanted to know what happens.
also I am so happy, because this is a trilogy, and the second movie is coming out in '09 I think.
Also I wanted to give you guys some updates on my life.
Well...I'm still so sick of school and how it sucks up my time, I havent done any real gaming this past 5 days, but at night I'm gonna play Super Paper Mario hopefully.
anyway, I'm going to the mall today, My mother is taking my siblings to see High School Musical 3...I don't know...I think I might get dragged into it to watching it, but I'll convince my mom not to watch it, because I don't want to waste my mom's money.
The real I want to go to the mall is that I'm hoping I can find:
For some reason Gamespot hasn't reviewed it yet, but I don't really care because I'm getting it even if they give it a 7 or something like that, but all of the player reviews have given this game a 9 and higher, so that's good I guess.
If I find this in a store, I don't think I'm gonna just jump off and get it becuuse the review of the Wii version isn't out yet.
I thought this would get amazing reviews, but up until now there are only mixed reviews, and I'm not so big on ****c RPGs so I'm checking this one of the list I guess.
This game has been getting a lot of good reviews, so I don't know, I might pick it up, or probably just wait until it get's a platinum release.
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