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The Rocky Series

One one of my last blog's I made a list of my favorite movies of all time and you've seen the list, you would of seen that I have the first three Rocky movies in the list, because that's how much I love Rocky, and in This Blog I'll talk about all of them, in-detail and talk about why I like them and so on, so let's start this than.


The first ever Rocky movie, the movie that launched Sylvester Stallone's career, anyway, lot's of people including myself think that the first Rocky is the best one, why? because all the other Rocky movies don't have the charm the first one had, It's about a Club-Boxer getting a chance to box with the World Heavyweight Boxer, and he has one chance and only one chance to win the title, an underdog story.

With the most likeable movie character in the whole world, Rocky Balboa, A good-hearted man, he lives a very simple life, he doesn't make a lot of money and he's boxing career isn't going anywhere, so when he get's the chance, he takes it.

From now on, I'm warning you, there's gonna be some spoilers.


Second Rocky movie, Rocky becomes famous for his fight with Apollo from the first movie, and after the match with Apollo Creed, he retire's and tries to get a job to support with pregnant wife, Adrian, and well, he can't seem to find a good job so he get's in a rematch with Apollo since Apollo was mad that Rocky was so close to beating him in the first movie.

Now, in this movie, it kind'a lost the touch the first Rocky had, but not completly, and it is a great movie really, but not as great as the first, nothing can beat the original and you should know that by now, but that doesn't mean you should avoid this movie, because it really is a good movie.


The third Rocky movie, in the second movie, Rocky beat Apollo and he got the title, and now he's become really famous and has a mansion, and in my opinion, the highlight of this movie is when Rocky and Apollo Creed team up, that was great, I loved that aspect about the movie.

Now, in this movie, it completley lost the touch that made the first movie so good, but that doesn't mean it's a bad movie, it had one of the most annoying movie character's in the history of annoying movie character's, Clubber Lang, played by Mr. T, the fight wth Clubber Lang was amazing, now some people believe that Rocky was the best one, and the second best one was the second movie and that's the it goes till Rocky 5 ( but they were mistaken, since Rocky 6 is probably the second or third best one) anyway, but I don't believe that's true, because I like this more than the second movie, since the Rocky and Apollo teaming up aspect + The Eye of The Tiger song


The fourth Rocky movie, I didn't watch this one, but I will VERY soon and it doesn't really matter since the whole movie was spoiled for me since I know that Apollo die's and Rocky fight's this Drago guy to avenge Apollo's death and he train's a lot and so on.

now I saw some of the montage's on youtube and wow, they're VERY well done, I can't wait to watch this movie and the song used in this one was really good, I think I even lke it more than Eye of The Tiger.


The fifth Rocky movie, never watched this and from what I heard, this is the worst Rocky movie, but I'll be the judge of that, anyway I know what happen's in this one too, Rocky come's back from Russia, he want's to box again, but he can't so he train's some kid and so on.

Well, I can't say much about this, but I won't avoid it, I have to watch all the series.


the sixth and from the looks of it, the last Rocky movie, now in this movie, Rocky is 60 and he's son is now in he's 20's or something like that, it's a very sad movie, he's wife Adrian is dead and that was really sad.

anyway, after making my top 20 movie's list, I wished I could've put this one in the list, because it' was really good and dramatic, it was just a great way to end the series, but what's wierd is that, in Rocky 5, he didn't box because he had Brain damage and a problem with he's eye, and in this movie, he has the problems (but they're not mentioned) and he's 60, now they're not deniying that he's old, but for some reason, they just forgot about the problems he had due to boxing? it doesn't really matter, because this was a great movie.

and now I'm done with this, and I hope you enjoyed it and enjoyed the Rocky series.

Yes, this is AWESOME

OK, I'll tell you what's going on in my life right now, well, School started a month ago and as you can probably tell, it hasn't been that fun since I've been becoming really inactive and I probably just have enough time to make a blog and that's it but now we have a 7-10 vacation from school, there no point in telling you why, if your a muslim you'd probably know why, but anyway.

in these day's I'm trying to have the most fun I've heard had in 10 day's, and one thing I'm planning to do is get more DVD's to watch and probably a game or two.

The movies I'm hopefully getting soon on DVD are Iron Man, it just came out here on DVD, so that's good :) and I'll get probably what ever I can find, and I just hope I find some Star War's DVD's I really want those, and if I find a set that contains either one of the trilogies (most prefrebly the first) I'll get it and Iron Man can wait a week or two.

and now let's start with the game's I hope I can find soon.

Need for Speed Carbon

Yes, I didn't really want to admit it, but yes, for the last week or so, I've been craving a good racing game that isn't Mario Kart to play and this is probably the best one on the Wii, although I heard that it's just a port with bad control's, but some of the review's I've read said some really good thing's about it.

Chance's of me getting it are not that high and not that low.

Rayman Raving Rabbids Boxshot

I'm interested in it, I know it's a mini game compilation, but if it's fun and last's for hours, than I'm definatly getting it :)

Chance's of getting it are..high.


Yes, MySim's, some of you guy's probably can't believe your eye's, but yes, I'm interested in this, since I'm in this Animal Crossing-Sim's mood, I know Animal Crossing City Folk is coming out in November, and probably gonna the better game, but this game is already out and I'm not sure I'm gonna really like but if I do, MySims Kingdom is coming out soon, but I heard that it focus's more on building houses and so on and I'm not that much into that, and since like I said Animal Crossing is coming out soon, so

Chance's of me getting this game are low.

So really, the game's I realy feel like getting by now are these two

Lego BatmanRayman Raving Rabbids Boxshot

I mean LEGO Batman just came out, so I'll have to get it when I see it in stores and this Rayman games look's very fun, so next time I go to a store, I'm picking these two up and that's if I can find them and about Wario Land Shake it and de Blob, I kind'a lost interest in both of them, but I'm pretty sure these two games can provide hours of fun, and now what I really need to do is find a copy of both :)

Top 20 Movies of All Time (3-1)

3. -

Now I know many of you would probably go "huh?" but I'm sorry, I watched this movie over 10 times and still not sick of it, everything about it is great, Great cast, very good story and the writing is just excellent, I mean I can't explain it, I just watched the movie so many times and I still like it.

and now, for the momment you've been all waiting for...


Yes, The first Ghostbusters film and the first Rocky, I'm sorry I coundn't find better pictures than these, anyway, I can't really explain to you why I love these two films a lot and why I love them equally when both of them are very different movies, If you havent watched I suggest you do because trust me you will love this movies.

I love them a lot, you just have to watch them too know how good they actually are.

and with that, I am finally done with this list and you start seeing some other blogs.

also, I know some of you might be mad because you havent seen a Star Wars or a Lord of The Rings movie in it, but I'm sorry, I havent watched Star Wars yet and I I'm not that big of a fan of LoTR, I mean I like it, but I like the 20 films I've listed here more.

Top 20 Favorite Movies (15-4)

I wanted to make this a four-part blog, but I changed my mind, making it a 3 part blog is a better idea.

15. -

Honestly, in this list, I didn't really want to have a lot of comic-book movies and such, but I can't lie to myself, I LOVE Comic Book movies, when I go to the theater to watch the movie I'm excited, when I'm leaving the theater i'm excited and when I'm watching the movie, I sure am excited :) and I can't wait for it's sequel in 2010.

14. -

When I originally decided to make this list, I said to myself that I'll say that I like Iron man more than the original Spider-Man, but that would've been a lie, because Spider-Man has a special place in my heart since it was the first comic book movie that I watched and actually the first DVD I ever got, I remember a scene from the movie that scared the heck out of me, when Norman Osborn first became The Green Goblin..that scared the heck out me.

13. -

Home Alone, I'm pretty sure most of us saw the movie when we were young, I watched it in the late 90's over and over again and a couple of months ago I got the DVD and I watched it and I love it I guess, It's just a ****c, the sequel to it is great, although the the original is better in my opinion.

12. -

The Mummy, a great movie, some people say that it's an Indiana Jones rip-off, I don't think so, this movie is awesome, Brendan Fraiser is great, even though the latest Mummy movie was just a CGI-fest in my opinion, this movie is way better, the humor in this movie works, and it doesn't take it self to seriously which is why I love it.

11. -

Such a ****c film, I find this movie more epic and amazing than scary, although it does have those momments when your scared out of your mind, I'll admit, I might've developed a phobia for sharks after I watched the movie, I mean if I watch the movie while I'm on a ship in the middle of the ocean, I'll be scared, anyway, It's a Steven Spielberg ****c, if you havent watched it yet, than I suggest you just go and watch, It's a great movie.

10. -

I couldn't decide what I like more this or Jaws, so I just decided to put this instead of Jaws, Jaws is a ****c, but the excitement of going and watching the movie made me like it more, before watching the movie I was starving, while I was watching it I forgot that I was starving, that's how good the movie is, and I reccomend... there's no point in reccomending this movie, I'm pretty sure most of you watched it.

9. -

I'm sorry the picture is the boxart of the UMD version of the film, I couldn't find a picture of the poster, anyway, My mom got me the VHS of this movie probably in 1998 0r 99, anyway, when I watched it, I couldn't believe my eyes, seriously I had never experinced, best thing Pixar ever made, the only movie that I think can be compared to this is Finding Nemo another Pixar movie, but other than that, this is the best animated movie in my opinion.

8. -

The tag line of this movie is "The Fastest Hands In The East Meet The Biggest Mouth In The West." probably one of the best tag line's I have ever read, because it is so true, Jackie Chan has been know to make great movies, but we finally discovered Chris Tucker in this movie, to anyone who hasn't watched it, watch it, It's an amazing movie, I just hope ONE day I can find the DVD, and I'm really sad that Jackie Chan decided not to make a 4rth movie, I know if they make a fourth one they'd be milking it, but seriously the 3rd one wasn't that bad.

7. -

Great movie!, It's was an adventure that was so exiting I was enjoying myself a lot the first time I saw this movie (2 years ago), when I first saw the cover, I wasn't really interested, but thank god I watched this awesome Spielberg ****c, It's the best Spielberg movie in my opinion.

6. -

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, this is one of those cases where I like the sequel more than the original, anyway, for almost 5 years now I've had this tradition, where I watch a Harry Potter film the last day of school, it just adds to the excitement and happiness of finishing school, I reccomend the entire Harry Potter Book and Movie series to anyone who loves fiction.

5. -

These days I never expect Disney to make a live action film that is good, and it's hard to believe that they made The Pirates of The Carribean series, the movie has a great cast, the awesome Johnney Depp, The..well I don't like him that much, but he was great in the movie (Orlando Bloom) and the beautiful Kiera Knightley, anyway this movie has humor and some pretty cool action scene's and it's about Pirates, what more could a person want, although I'm not that happy about the third movie, because it was rushed, but I still liked it I mean, I went home jumping on couch's and bed's while humming the Pirates of The Carribean theme.

4. -

Ok, honestly, I'll admit it, I like the last four movies equally, all of them have a certain charm, so don't want anyone telling me that I like Rocky 3 more than Raider of The Lost Ark ok? anyway, the whole story of this movie is very good, when I first watched it, I had watched Rocky II and than Rocky III, I didn't even take a 1 minute break, I just swapped the disc's because I was so exited and when I talk about this movie I just feel like going over to my DVD collection, and pulling the movie out to watch it, and Mr. T probably played on of the most unlikable character in movie history, but since he convinced me that I supposed to not like him, mean that's he delivered a great performance.

See you on the next part :), I don't know when to post it, it might be today or tommorow, I don't know.

Top 20 Favorite movies of All Time. (20-16)

Nothing to blog about, so I thought I'll do this, this is a four part blog.

20. -

Not as great as the first and third movies, but definatley deserves a spot, it takes place right after the first movie when Rockey first beat Apollo Creed, I only watched the first 3 Rocky movie., since all of them were great movies, I just hope they're not always labelled as mere "boxing" flicks, because it's an underdog story that is filled with Drama and some comedic momments and a great boxing match at the end.

19. -

For some reason, right after The Dark Knight came out people starting not liking this one, The Dark Knight is a better movie, but this movie was made to tell us the origin's of Batman, and anyone can tell that they did a pretty good job at it, and it's the first Batman movie I watched, and still I mean as much as people think the original Batman is better, I think they should just really try to look at this with an open mind.

I mean this movie had a better cast, Christian Bale,Katie Holmes, Micheal Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman. What more could you want really? and in this movie Batman actually fights, in the orignal, It's was like he appeared to scare people and then he just went away, but still if it wasn't for the original, this wasn't going to exist.

18. -

A lot of people say that this movie is the second best King Kong movie, the best one is the original, but I never watched the original, so I thought I'll put this movie instead, since I actually watched it and loved it, It was very enjoyable, I found it really wierd that Jack Black is playing a role in a serious movie, but nonetheless, he did an AWESOME Job at it.

Since this is a long movie, some people like to say that the second part of the movie where they land on the island is the best part and the first part of the movie is boring, I disagree, the first part was very good, even though Kong was really shown in it.

17. -

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, when I decided to make this blog I didn't really want to have to add a lot of sequels of movies, but what I do?, Harrison Ford and Sean Connery in one great movie, and as your probably guessing, not as good as Raiders of The Lost Ark, and it's true, but still it deserves a spot in the list.

16. -

Yes animated movies are allowed in the list and they're won't be a lot of them, I'll just put the ones that I think are very good, I heard that Pixar is making a sequel to Cars, and I think they shouldn't touch Cars 2 until they have a sequel of The Incredible's, this movie deserves a sequel.

See you on the next part :)

Things I don't Like about Nintendo and some other news.

In this blog I'll talk about things I don't like about Nintendo systems.

1. Lack of Racing games.

Yes, lack of racing games, If you check the Racing games section for the Wii, you'll find out that the Wii has over 20 racing games whether it's ATV's or MX's or Just car racing and Monster Trucks, but let's see...how many of them are good? 2 Mario Kart Wii and NFS Carbon which is a port.

This isn't really Nintendo's fault I guess developers don't want to make racing games for the Nintendo systems, It just annoys me since Since I only Mario Kart games and the only thing close I own to a racing game is Twist Metal Head On which is a Car Combat game.

If you look at 360/PS3's library of Racing games, you'll find titles like Burnout Paradise GRiD, and the 360 has a certain game called Forza and so on and the 360 is getting an ATV game soon called Pure ( not so sure it's an ATV game ).

This may just be a problem with the Wii since the DS has some quality racers other than Mario Kart DS, GRiD came out on the DS and it got an 8.5 by gamespot, NFS Own the City got a 7.6, Asphalt GT 2 got a 7.5 and so on, It just doesn't realy make sense I mean they make GRiD for the DS but not for the Wii? It just feels really wierd.

2. Lack of RPGs

Now saying this back in the SNES era would be very stupid but this generation it would be soo true, Till the end of 2008 there is only one worth while RPG coming out for the Wii and IT's Tales of Symphonia 2, Thank god I own a PSP and a DS or I would've never experinced any RPGs.

Now again this isn't a problem with the DS, The DS has more than 5 RPGs that got a score higher than 8.0.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my Wii, I'm just saying that it's not a perfect system.

anyway, If some of you read my last blog I said that I'll be reviewing all my games in my collection, well I decided to only review games of this generation.

I'm trying to do the the impossible.

I'm trying to do the impossible right now, I'm trying to review EVERY game that I own, and I'll I"ll be doing it next week or so, but the reviews are not stupid I actually think about my opinion of the game before typing up anything, I already finished reviewing the games that I think deserve less than a 5.0 (I only own 2 games that I think deserve less than a 5.0), and now I'm trying to review all my Wii games.

I hope you guys check the reviews out.

Favorite Books and Comic Books/ Tim Burton..

This blog is going to be dedicated to two things, Favorite Books and Comic Books and my take on Tim Burton, first I'll talk about some of the books I read and really like, and I want you guys to tell me what books and comic books you like in the comments section.

The Books I read must always have something that me enjoy it, and it's suspense, I love suspenseful stories, whether it's an Enid Blyton kid's book like Secret Seven or some Tom Clancy and Anthony Horowitz book, and something else I like to read from time to time is fictional books, probably some Harry Potter, and the books I'm currently reading the "Dark Materials" trilogy, The Golden Compass, The Amber Spyglass and The Subtle Knife.

The Golden Compass was made into a movie, and I watched it, it was fine, nothing great, but if I'm correct they might make the other two books movie's too, but the Book is always better than the movie.

Actually before starting to read The Golden Compass, I read "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, it's a GREAT book, I adore it, I'm hoping I'll be able to find some of his other books because I loved "The Alchemist".

anyway, Let's talk about Comic Books, I've always wanted to get into some Marvel and DC Comic Books, but for a strange reason they're impossible to find here, I mean I always find Archie, one of my favorites too, and Garfield another one of my favorites, but I can never find Marvel and DC Comic Books.

ok, So some of my favorites are Garfield and Archie, and I read some Asterix, if you don't know what's Asterix, it's a French comic book that is really funny, but sometimes I find a joke that I don't understand at all, It's probably the translation from French To English or something like it.

Ok, now it's time to talk about Tim Burton, one of my Favorite Movie Directors of all time, He made the first Batman movie (Well the first one was made in the 40s or something like that, but that wasn't serious like this one ) and it's sequel Batman Returns and he also made a remake of Willy Wonka and The Choclate Factory and he has made more than 4 movies with Johnney Dep.

So I'll talk about his work and the movies he's done (that I watched).

Ok, Let's start with his very first movie, "Vincent", it's a 5-minute stop-motion animated short film talking about a kid that's want's to be like "Vincent Price" or something like that, I wasn't paying attention because the words spoken in it were like... a poem that is so great.. I can't even explain it, go to youtube and search it up, it's a work of art.

Now let's talk about Tim Burton's take on the The Caped Crusader, I'll admit, I didn't like Batman and Batman Returns as much as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Batman was a fine movie, nothing really great, but Batman Returns....was kind'a sick, but I liked more for some reason, anyway I suggest you watch them, but there not as great as Christopher Nolan's Batman movies, but that's just my opinion

Nightmare Before Christmas, I havent watched this in years, so I'll just tell you to watch it, it's great, but I think I liked the 5-minute stop-motion film more than this.

Sleepy Hollow, my favorite Burton movie so far, It's great, it's about the Headless Horseman legend, very good movie, I suggest you watch it, it's awesome. + It has Johnney Depp, so it's great

Charlie and The Choclate Factory, I like this more than the original, it's stars Johnney Depp as Willy Wonka, and having Mr. Depp is always a plus, I liked it alot, again I suggest you watch.

ok, so if I recall, this is all of Tim Burton's movies that I watched, I'll watch some of his other movies like Edward Sccisorhands and Ed Wood, and Sweeny Todd, I know this was a long blog, but I think I need to have long blogs that are not meaningless, I hope you enjoyed this.

My Big Problem with Guitar Hero and Rock Band

Since Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock came out on the Wi, I wanted to buy it since I never got to play it on the PS2, but now Rock Band came out on the Wii and Guitar Hero Aerosmith is out and not only that, Rock Band 2 and Guiter Hero World Tour are both coming to the Wii.

and the only thing thats really stopping me from buying it is that I'm worried that I won't enjoy the game because I don't know most of the tracklist of the game, so I was wondering if it''s a big deal, or when your playing you don't focus on the song playing, because it would be REALLY good if you can make up your on tracklist...but that's impossible.

so I was wondering what to do, and in this situation I can't do the whole buy it when it's cheap thing, because it has a peripheral that is expensive so I don't really know what to do.

Upcoming games of November

Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

Call of Duty: World at War

Also coming out on (PS3,360,PS2,DS)

Resistance 2

Tomb Raider Underworld

Also coming out on (PS3,360,DS,PS2)

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

(I Think I said that this game is coming out in October, well turns out it's coming out in November)

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (PS3,360)

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels

Sonic Unleashed

Also coming out on (360,PS3,PS2)

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Left 4 Dead

Coming out on (360,PC)

The Last Remnant


Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

Here are the games :), anyway, I wanted to talk about Star Wars The Force Unleashed, The version I wanted was the worse version according to gamespot, it got a 6.0, while the other versions got a 7,5, I don't know what to do, I'll just wait and read player's reviews, but if that doesn't work, than I'll have to stick to the PSP version