E2ESQUARE / Member

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I need a New Halo 2 Clan, one that I dont win every game

ya i know my stats arent so good, but my internet is so gay right now its almost funny. I have faster then T3 sometimes according to speed tests, and other times my internet goes down to slower then dial up. Therefore whenever I get into a game it lags me out, I found a way around this for a while but in the last 4 games I played it came back. Look at the 2 most recent stat pages for my best stat info without any lag involved. I might get the lag fixed next week so my stats will go up, in the mean time, since I quit my pathetic clan, I need a new clan. My clan was some of the best gamers out there, but most of them had to join clan meta after a while, I still moderated my clanso I couldnt join. Anyways, no im out of my 3 clans that I was once a part of and on the market, I got 4 invites today and had to turn them down because I was constantly beating the people from the clan, I need a clan that makes me get 2nd place atleast sometimes when I dont have lag. A clan with good people that are on alot is really nice, Im good, not the best but good. But consider this: avergae rank in rumble pit: 1st, average rank in team slayer: 1st, avergae rank in team skirmish: 1st, Average rank in arranged game: 1st, average rank in head to head: 1st, average kills in head to head: 10, average kills over opponent in head to head: 6, average rank overall: 1st/2nd. Think about that before looking at wins in Team games where you get stuck with people with no rank. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerGameList.aspx?player=E2ESQUARE, this page has all my stats without lag and the page before does also

Xbox 2..................Its comming, heres some info to tide you over

Xbox 2 is comming in either late 2005 or early 2006, heres what you need to know:

Xbox 2 system features: MP3, MP4, DVD playing with playback, CD playing, CD burning, Online, Backwards Compatability

Games of Xbox 2 (for sure):

Ghost Recon 3

Project Gotham Racing 3

Rainbow Six 5

Mechassault 3

Halo 3 (yes its true, and it will end the halo trilogy)

Ninja Gaiden 2

Spiderman 3

Dark Sector


Splinter Cell (4 or 5)

Possible titles:


Conker 3

Fable 2


Warcraft untitled/rumored project

Mechassault 2 Beta impressions - Could it really be better then Halo 2?read on..

Mechassault 2 Lone Wolf Beta made its way into my hands last friday and since its not under major raps, it ok for mee to say what I think of it. In short, its astonishing. I knew it would be good, but this game blew me away beyond all expectation. You start out as a battle armour and move into massive 16 player battle aiming to capture a tank, airship or battle mech. Each of these have their own purpose. Battle mech is powerful alone, but it can be risky because you can be jacked by battle armour. The tanks arent special alnoe, but pairs of 2 to 3 can blow the crap out of a battle mech in seconds, a good choice. Airships can carry battle armour and supplies. Airships are an important strategic vehicle for means of survival and transport. The coolest mode puts you into a mission conquering several planets infected with eneimes. This mode is so good it almost hurts to leave your xbox. The online is flawless with xbox live 3.0 and 16 player brawls with all out destruction. Its mechassault one combined with Deus Ex and Halo. In short, you would be really stupid to miss out on MA2, even if you dont have xbox live. Although Im not quick to say its better then Halo 2, its certainly close and theres a chance you will enjoy it more. Whereas Halo 2 is a great game but not the best sequel, the first Mechassault wasnt the greatest, and with all the improvements, MA2 is the best sequel of the year on xbox, bar none, and as far as game play, its second to Halo 2 online and off.

Forget the PSP...

I want a DS and ill probably get one for christmas, that being said, I want a PSP also, but no more.

I was almost heartbroken when i heard that metal gear acid is a strategy game, its just a cheap update of a great game that has screwed up controls because the PSP cant support the real MGS games. How sleezy of sony to do that. What a waste of a would be great game. Unless PSP comes out with FF7 or a real MGS game, im holding off on buying

Halo 2 special Mods from xbox live

heres some cool mods/options for multiplayer that you can try out:

Counter Strike (slayer): only human weapons, start with SMG and magnum, no sheilds, no powerups, team play

Swat (slayer): only human weapons on map, no sheilds, team play, no oversheilds, start with a magnum and a battle rifle

Counter Strike Assault (assault): same as counter strike but with assault not slayer

Western (Slayer): No sheilds, damage resistant, no powerups, pistols on map, start with magnum and shotgun, no motion tracking

Heroes/AVP (juggernaut): 3 on 1, juggernaut has increased speed, oversheilds, damage resistance, and active campflague. Starting weapons are brute shots and swords, no motion tracking

Knights (slayer): no weapons on map, free for all sword match with oversheilds and damage resistance, no motion tracking

Overkill (slayer): teams or no teams, heavy weapons on map, no sheilds, extra damage, grenades, double weapon respawn time, warthogs, gauss warthogs, human tanks, primary weapon is rocket launcher, secondary weapon is a brute shot

Heat Seakers (slayer): Team or no team play, plasma weapons on map, start with sentinel beam and sword, no motion tracking

Anti Air (slayer): normal wepaons on map, only active camo powerups, start with SMG and rocket launcher

mercenaries (slayer): all vehicles, rifles on map, start with magmun and smg, team play

Conquistadores (territories): 5 territories, 2 to 4 teams, duel weild weapons only, start with brute plasma rifle and swords