Oh ya Christians have never committed and atrocities!! EVER HEARD OF THE CRUSADES!!! Christians went on murderous rampages around the Muslim nations, killing millions of innocents, burning cities to the ground and destroying universities and places where rationality was dominant. Oh and the church protecting pedophile priest, moving them around city to city and letting them off scott-free. Where do you get off thinking your so much better than everyone else?!
I guess you would absolutely love living in a nation full of Fascists. Lets see how you would like it if the government controlled everything that came out of your mouth. You ever read 1984? Didn't think so, otherwise you would have the small amount of intelligence to know that obstructing freedom of speech is a BAD thing.
Oh and i read that article. Its complete bull. Pretty much right off the bat it states that if you don't believe in god than this article wont convince you that there is a god; an article that was written in order to prove to the "unbelievers" that very same notion. As usual a christian trying to butt heads with the scientific community owns himself.
It goes on to say that god MUST have created Earth because the chances of having such perfect conditions to support life is extremely low. I ask you, how many planets are out there in the universe? Well just from our view of the universe there is an estimated 50 billion galaxies just from our point of view. A new NASA report estimates that there are 1-30 billion TERRESTRIAL planets in our galaxy alone. Ill do the math since i assume your a moron so that's a range from 5x10^19 to 1.5x10^21 possible habitable planets. Let me put that larger number in perspective for you that's 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible habitable planets!!!!!!! Just from our proverbial vantage point in the universe!! It would be ridiculous to assume that earth is a miracle form the divine! There are, in all likely hood, millions of planets out there teeming with life just as ours is.
You wanted an educated point of view on this subject you got one. I know there are many more points made in that article, and i assure you i can refute each one; it would just make my post way too long for me to do it.
Oh and if you don't believe me about the amount of planets in our universe, here is a link to the NASA report, sorry the messenger wont let me insert a link.
Yeah sure the Christians from over a thousand years ago really do think the same as Christians today. Get off the cool aid!!!
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