I was just wondering if you install a 120 HDD onto a 60 GB PS3, how would the memory work out would it be 2 individual places to save or will it be combined for one place to save?
ANGER TO THE NEXT LEVEL and TILE FLOORING IN MY ROOM ... do not mix. I usual get mad because I am 6'7 and my hands are waaaay to big for the Ps2 controllers which cause me not to reach the full potential of most games that and...... I get angry, shut off the game in rage then get even more angry because I forgot to save!! ARGGGH I've broken 7 Ps2 controllers and a TV ( Curse You tile flooring!)
As a consumer, PS3s with EE will have the most backwards compatibility. Meaning, you can play more of your old games on the PS3 with very few or no problems.Spartan8907
Argggh, I wish I knew when they are going to do it......because I was going to buy my ps3 in October... and I love all my ps2 games!
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