I heard you can do something like that and for the life of me I can't seem to do it. Can i use last fm to play music over my games while I play??? If not how do I do that.
EasyNormalHard1's forum posts
I just got my bing rewards today. I checked my email and what do you know bing just sent them to me 400 ms points. Got them in like a week to pretty fast.
I don't care for achievements much but if you want to get achievements easier get a RPG game. All you do is play through the game normally to earn achievements. I would check the achievements of the RPGs first. They got ones that may require doing something that you can't go back and do later. For example in Blue Dragon there is one for protecting the wagons and having it take no damage at all. If I would of known probably would of done it but oh well.
Oh and speaking of that game the second disc won't read which is just great. Oh well at least I got my receipt still so I can return it. Damn used games at Gamestop! lol Man they take just about anything almost unless theres a note for them to read that says it don't work. Hope they will just swap out the discs for me instead of trading the whole thing back.
Downloading video games off the internet will never be what the mass majority of people do compared to going to the store no matter if it takes a second to download the game.
You know what I think they should do for the next big franchise. I think the big three (MICROSOFT SONY NINTENDO) once every console generation they should make team up games or combine characters to make one character. The game companies should also team up and make one game with there characters or make one character with all of their characters combined. Example for team up games make like Mario, Halo, God of War, and take those characters and make a game with them all in it. Example for Combined characters is make one single character with the characters from Mario, Halo, and God of War. Like they did with Marvel & DC comics combining 2 characters into one character. Then release the game on all systems so us gamers all get to experience this.
I was looking into this game last night actually and here it is again. Maybe someones trying to tell me to buy this game. I liked what I seen in the video's then I kicked it over to youtube to check out some reviews on the game. It looks pretty good in my opinion and I am pretty interested in checking it out one day.
[QUOTE="EasyNormalHard1"]why do people answer questionswhen they cant possibly know the answer? .. .. ..Don't really no because I only got a sdtv. A BIG fricking one at that but a SDTV none the less. (just guessing here) I don't think there would be a problem with doing that but just call up Xbox 360's tech support to be 100% sure on questions about that stuff. Maybe they can even go through the hook up with you step by step to your TV and the options menu on you 360. Also if there is a problem you got them right on the phone with you. Or you can call up tech support for the TV you got and talk to them about setting up your HDTV options for Xbox 360 gaming support.
I don't think most people even know if your tv is playing games in 1080p or i or abcdefg anyway or 7 what ever the number is and all the rest of them lol.
good point but......
I was just throwing my two cents around on this. I didn't really try to answer him more gave advice on how to get them answers.
ok make up your mind, im seeing yes and no
The answer is YES you can do that. You can go to one store in New Jersey for example then go to another one in California and use your card. I don't see a reason you couldn't cuz there cards are the same for every store.
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