[QUOTE="Ebbon_Valentia"]Mikazuki looks up at Bella and smiles. "Hello. Nice zanpakuto." He nods at Hisshi-ryuu, "Hello." He then looks down at his zanpakuto, "This is Shouhi. Shouhi no Kurayami." Shouhi's ghostly whispers reach your ears, but they're incoherent. Mikazuki shakes his head, "I'm sorry, I don't even know what Shouhi speaks, but she refuses to speak in any other way. But I can understand her nonetheless, strangely enough." He pauses, thinking, then continues, "When I woke up in the World of the Living, I must admit it was creepy having a sword talk to me. But I got used to it after my first Hollow attack." He seems to falter, unsure if it's the truth or not. "But after ten years of trying to survive, finding answers and coming up empty, I found my way here on the tail of a lead." He pauses again, this time unsure if he's said too much or not making sense.jooja42animefan
Thank you. *looking at Mikazuki & his zanpakutou* Nice to meet you Shouhi. *listening carefully Bella can make out something that she is whispering* I think that Shouhi is a bit nervous as well. But maybe if Hisshi & I help you both train you will be able to understand better what she is telling you. *thinking* You see I couldn't understand what Hisshi-ryuu was saying either, in fact I couldn't hear him at all. Don't worry I'm sure that someone here can help you to recover your lost memories and find the answers you seek. Come on lets go get something to eat, follow me.
*gets up and leads him to kitchen*
Mikazuki smiles and gets up, smirking. "Shouhi is more of a 'people person' than I am. She's more of an inquisitive sentience. She's just one question after another." Shouhi whispers and he pauses, thinking for a moment. "It'd probably be better if you didn't know some of the things Shouhi says." He then looks hopefully. "I'd love to learn anything I can! I know my fighting skills are quite good..." Bites his lip nervously. "...But that's pretty much all I know...or can remember...I think." He pauses hesitantly. "Maybe there's someone here who can help me with my memory problem?"
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