" Rhyhmic combat begets more rhythmic combat" + "Effectively repurposes popular Legend of Zelda settings"
"Does little to evolve the Warriors recipe" = 8.0
"Repetitive missions containing repetitive encounters" + "Fantastic vistas and magnificent soundtrack" + "Intricate competitive maps with clever touches" =6.0
So a game that is designed to be grind-y, VS a game that has grinding allows for a vast difference in score. I am not asking for a re-score but rather consistency in what makes a one game "FAIR" and one game "GREAT"
Also note that it would have been helpful to review a game after all its content was released.
But its Zelda, Zelda games always get a free pass. Gaming 101
In the Sky watch area, by the cliff there there are old rusted helicopters, if you do a small jump over the railing, you run into a Hallowed Orge, who has no F's to give. Some times it is a hallowed Knight, but you also can find another Orge in a side cave if you to enter through the grotto and follow along the right wall. There is a silver chest in there.
Seriously this video went right past it a number of times.
Good to see that Activision's blank check to Bungie is paying off in spades. I have the beta on both PS4 and PS3. Outside of the horrible PS3 DS3 Controller (6 years of ownership and I still can't get over how that feels for shooters), these games look remarkably a like.
Even if the game is running at 1080p 30 FPS it looks better than some of the Next gen exclusives, like Killzone and Ryse.
It shows what a gifted art team can do.
I really want the OST for this game. Its a soundscape like no other.
There are some interesting ones mentioned, I own a Rift version 1, and I have to say it is nifty, but at the end of the day a paradigm shift in gaming is required before I think it would be worth it. Most conventional games just don't work well on this device.
I still want to try out Tribes Ascend with my rift.
Echelon730's comments