Damn, I was looking forward to this game. Sonic looked to be on a good streak of quality titles. My hopes were still high for this title. Sonic games have been a tepid love affair with me. I have enjoyed a few of them and there is something very nostalgic about them that I can't ignore easily, but I do anyways because other quality titles come out close to the release. I think that I am still going to get this one, Until Super Mario 3D World where else am I to get my 3D Platformer fix on my Wii U. Say what you want about the gameplay, it is still a very pretty game
I think it is great to see a game that is showing a more realistic version of the fall of rome from a soldier's view, and not an RTS. I love the God of War Series (its greek I know that), but that is feeding into the mythos of the era, But because of Ryse I have been looking into the Punic Wars and roman politics, researching this really interesting stuff. I have really high hopes for this game
@GrahamZ Which then leads to the question, should we as the gaming community try to take the word back? In the light that you paint the word "game" in, it pretty much a negative. Should we proudly proclaim its a game, and not an interactive movie, and have gaming not seem like film's adolescent off spring?
@GrahamZ Which then leads to the question, should we as the gaming community try to take the word back? In the light that you paint the word "game" in, it pretty much a negative. Should we proudly proclaim its a game, and not an interactive movie, and have gaming not seem like film's adolescent off spring?
@GYTISLEE @Echelon730 Certainly, and I am not saying that narrative isn't important. Games should try to mix the gameplay with the narrative more, but gameplay should still always be the focus, simply because it is something that no other medium can do.
@GYTISLEE @Echelon730 Certainly, and I am not saying that narrative isn't important. Games should try to mix the gameplay with the narrative more, but gameplay should still always be the focus, simply because it is something that no other medium can do.
I am going to have to disagree with Danny on this one. Games shouldn't be films. I am aware that this might sounds a bit "gate keeper" like. Video Games aren't movies, the key difference is the gameplay. You don't play a movie you watch it, just like you don't watch a video game you play it. Games allows the consumer to connect with the characters on a physical level, the level of control, when you limit the control of a character and put them in a world that seems open and free you feel constrained. Movies allow the consumer to connect on an emotional level with character, if you allow the view to assume control of the movie character you break the connect by giving agency back to viewer and lessening the impact of the experience. Games shouldn't try to be movies and in some ways should be less about narratives, but rather a play for the player to explore a world that is alien to their own and have them create their own narratives and experience.
I am going to have to disagree with Danny on this one. Games shouldn't be films. I am aware that this might sounds a bit "gate keeper" like. Video Games aren't movies, the key difference is the gameplay. You don't play a movie you watch it, just like you don't watch a video game you play it. Games allows the consumer to connect with the characters on a physical level, the level of control, when you limit the control of a character and put them in a world that seems open and free you feel constrained. Movies allow the consumer to connect on an emotional level with character, if you allow the view to assume control of the movie character you break the connect by giving agency back to viewer and lessening the impact of the experience. Games shouldn't try to be movies and in some ways should be less about narratives, but rather a play for the player to explore a world that is alien to their own and have them create their own narratives and experience.
I am 27 years old now and I believe I was suffering depression.
Before I headed to college my parents took me to a psychologist, The confirmation of my ADHD was not a surprise, but the fact that I had a learning disability was. The IQ tests showed I had a well above average intelligence but I had some slight memory issues and poor test taking skills. I was socially awkward during my formative years. So life was a constant struggle. Homework came easy enough, testing made me an average or below average student, and social life was not there. My mother forced me into a number of things that I didn't want to do, and regret going along with such as sports teams and other school activities. (You want to save money cut sports and band from American schools and the whole country would be better off). These just enhanced the issues I was having. Every night I would stay up to 2-3 in the morning playing Halo 2 or Crimson Skies online. In college the same issues were there, the worst part was I found a group of like minded students. It made me happy for a while but misery loves company, soon we all feed off of each other's escapism and I dropped out of college. Sickened with myself I turned back to games and was never really happy, It was at this time my parents took me to a for profit school for game design. This was an out of state school and thus a new start. I really tried to focus on my studies but loneliness came in, at least this time the games felt more like a study than an escape. My depression lead to some poor choices in relationships most of which the women just took advantage me.
2 years on from college. I have a stable relationship, and a job doing software development, I am independent from my parents, have my own car, and no debt. Can I say I am happy no, I honestly think I lucked into middle class America. I don't socialize in real life as much as I would like too. My girl friend and I are ok together but nothing great. The best way I can feel about my life is that I am the result of an infinite number of impossibilities actually happening for me to exist, there for I shall keep existing simply because and nothing more.
Echelon730's comments