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EchoRanger424 Blog

my dumb collection it is your time to rise!

well it is time to upload my dumb collection so yea if you see some games in my collection they should be sucky lol i will keep you in news if i trade get or sell any k? keep in mind if you see i am now playing a game i dont have in my collection that means i am borrowing it from a friend and playing it.

a kid that has never played online on a console....

yea its true i have never played online on any consoles not even my ps2! i am trying to get a connection wire so i can play online with it....but that brings me back to the ps3....well all i gotta say to the ps3 is i just cant buy you right now plain and simple when i get a job i will but for right now i want to get a connection cable for my ps2......and my ps3 will come to me soon enough....

halo movie? a little too late for that now that halo 3 is coming up people!

a halo movie huh? i dont think thats gonna happen but if it does it should be interesting but then wont really pick up on anything good since its already gonna be halo 3 out and if they were gonna make a movie they should have made it when halo came out so what i am saying is that they could have started the movie when they started the first game but making a halo movie right when the 3rd is already coming out? i think halo fans will have hunger for halo 3 videogame than a halo movie lol i sure would

ps3 will we ever meet each other?

well its been years already and everyone else is getting wii 360 ps3 and as for me still with my ps2slim my one and only console i feel so left out of all the fun i dont no when but one day i am going to have a ps3 i dont know how others get all of the consoles so quick but i will its hard for me though cause i dont have my job yet.:cry: ps3 will we ever meet each other?

what gun do you like?

what is your favorite gun from the first halo? i like the plasma sniper that shoots plasma grenades instead of bullets but of course that is only for the halo CE PC version and its a mod so no its not a real weapon in the game just a mod but it rocks! kind of noobish though on second thought go ahead tell me what guns you like from halo halo2 and if you know of any from the halo 3 beta or played it go for it.
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