The odd twist to what Playstion 3 owners want compared to 360 owners, is more different that one might think. Of course Wii owners look for different things in their games. But the PS3 and 360 wish list's are quite different from each other. One thing that amazed me. Was although Assassins Creed comes out for the 360 and PS3 at the same time. It is the 5th most popular 360 game. Yet PS3 owners don't seem to be that interested yet. Its the 40th most popular PS3 game. I can only think back to Oblivion. When 360 owners thought it was the RPG of all RPGs, and PS3 owners thought "ughh its ok." And here is another noticeable thing. User scores for the same game on both system's. Even if it plays slightly better on the PS3. The user scores are lower. While the seeming easy to please 360 owners, score their version higher. Does this mean PS3 owners have higher quality tastes? And that 360 owners overrate things? I think its more of a fact that PS3 owners are big time gamers. And you have alot of Halo and Fable and Madden only wanabee gamers over on the 360 side. That just really have no clue.
Top games for each system seem to make sense. Halo 3 for the 360. MGS 4 for the PS3. I'm sure Fable 2 will crawl into that area soon for the 360. While Killzone and Final Fantasy 13 "the main version," will eventually be main stays in that top 10 for the PS3. But as of now, games like Heavenly Sword, seemed to be looked into big time for the PS3. Granted it could be a nice game. But I thought a game like Ratchet and Clank would of been more popular. Or even Uncharted Drake's Fortune, or Infamous. Infamous being a GTA/super hero game, would seem to be something vary appealing. And also the fact that these 3 games, are being made by companies that have a excellent track record.
For the 360, After the KOTOR series was one of the best selling RPGs for the Xbox unit. One would think Mass Effect would be a hugely anticipated game. But that does not seem to be the case. Although it is of interest to 360 owners. Its not the hottest thing out their by far. Another PS3/360 game I thought would be hot for both systems was Jericho. And again. Although it is hot, eagerness is not steaming for this game from any side, yet. But Jericho is unproven also so? GTA 4 seems to be hot. And rightly so. But it seems gamers have forgot which teams and games were hot before. Not counting the stale FPS paintball games.
I have to think alot of this has to do with new gamers, that really did not game anymore than maybe a FPS here and their last gen. So instead of going by their own knowledge, they go by word of mouth. When I hit the streets and talk to the younger, new gamers. I am shocked at how many have heard about Ratchet, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Sly Cooper "makers of Infamous." Final Fantasy, KOTOR, Fable, Eternal Darkness, and the mega list of last Gen super hits, that would take 8 pages to list. But im vary shocked at how many of these new gamers, have not really played them. I mean really. Some people may be able to tell me the stale story of Silent Hill 4 "it just was so weak compared to the others. I mean they did not even really use the flashlight stuff." But how many can tell me the story's, or walk me threw the fantastic Silent hill's 1 and 2. With the showing of already proven hits, and new names that are about to come upon us in late 07, threw all of 08. I have a feeling these new gamers have no clue to whats about to hit them in the next year and a half. I even talk to the 20some crowed of gamers. And even most of them eventually admit. No, I did not play those. Well if these companies give us the treats they did before. These kids are in for some fun surprises they had no clue about.
Speaking of last Gen. You know what none heard of game would be kinda cool, on a Next Gen. The Suffering. Only problem is the story was already dying out quite a bit by the second one. Which was not even close to what the first one was. Talk about horror games that no one knows about. The first Suffering was pretty cool. And how would a Fatal Frame Next Gen be? Or something like it maybe? Either or, ones more of a shooter, the other more of an adventure. Both scary as heck. And if next Gen graphics can really up the level a certain type of gaming. Its with horror, and the look and feel, which is vary important in those games. Lets face it, you could not do Silent Hill or Fatal Frame in the NES days. These games play off of images and animations that scare you. And great stories to, but you get the idea. Next Gen Horror, could be great!
And if your a RPG fan of the old ways. I know their are a few versions of FF 13 coming. But im gonna put my money on the main one "not shaby cheap side verses money making FF games" but the main one. For those fans. I think its gonna blow people away. Thats what taking them so dang long. That game is gonna use as much as they know about the new units, and all the space they can. It could be as much as a leap as FF 7 was than, as far as presentation in a RPG like that. I know the new types of RPG's this GEN will be funner. But I like to every so often go out on a limb. And at least in the presentation department. FF 13 is gonna be HUGE!
And people, ideas have not gotten thin. Its just that when Halo was released everything kinda stalled and went backwards for a while. Not that Halo was bad. It was just a vary old way of gaming. A way that was already getting old and stale by the time that game came out. What once was the new fresh look of 3rd person, open ended, wild new gameplay. Will be a road we finally get back to. New games like Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, and Infamous could be the first steps in showing these new, "already burnt out" gamers, what were supposed to be the next, new, and inovated great steps. And even thow their was a stall from the Halo freak, or fluke. We still saw a few new games this last gen, that did try a few new things. Like the first Prince of Persia did a few cool things. And thats what we need to see. Granted the other 2 sorta stunk. But the first one was pretty good thow. Bloodmoney and Hitman 2 did some new things kinda cool. And they came close to some good things that were touching some areas's, that gaming needs to explore more. Also game's like Destroy all Humans, God of War, and other's. Showed the potential of what could be amazing stuff. But these games never quite hit it on the dot. In fact they got high scores, but could have been so much more. And we should of chased that side of gaming more. And instead of seeing 40 FPS WW2 games on one shelf. We should of saw 40 games with these new looks. Each doing something new and inovated. Part of the reason these games never went to their full potential, was not having enough trial and error run's. Which is the case in any new type of game. Because they were to busy making their 30th FPS. And they had more than enough trail and error their, since the mid 90's. And maybe it's good that we stalled away from these fresher newer games for a while, after they made their debut "ala Tomb Raider 1" and other's way back. And we are just now "threw new machines" moving back into that area. New version's of Halo were not the next step. They were not the next step 10 years ago. But I think we will finally be forced to see that truth. And we will now finally move forward. And if they do go forward to the cooler stuff. On all three systems Its gonna get wild!
But I still think the key for the 360 games and PS3 games. 360 is for the basic public. Like the Madden sports fans who just happened to fall onto Halo and thought they loved all games than. And the PS3 is more for the gamer side. And it seems like its gonna chase that side to. Because most hardcore gamers were burning out from FPS 7 years ago. And some never play sports titles to much. Me I find myself vary in-between that. I started as the jock sports only guy, "I own the first Madden still." And on the court or field or race track in real life, I was vary good, and threw games I also loved it. I was a sports freak. And 16 or so years ago at age 20. I Slowly moved into a few RPG's, which I used to think stunk before that. I got into a few action adventure, pure adventure. About 9 to 10 Years ago I hit 3D platforms "Sly and Ratchet and Crash, and Mario 64 and those.' Some how I went from Just Madden and Racers and a little Sonic and Mario. To the deep gaming sides "even a few done up gaming PCs." So I know both sides. I know that 360 "think your a gamer" side exists, because I once was their. And its a needed area. But in basic fact. No hardcore guy/girl is gonna economize their gaming either. Which is what the 360 is. Its the Honda CRX in a Ferrari world. If a PS3 looks a tiny bit better, "which EA Football at 30fps one year is a fluke from running at a higher true def" It ran at 30fps on the 360 last year. Fact is the PS3 is more powerful. And everyone knows that. Hardcore gamers wont settle for less to save a few bucks, never have in the past, and never will. And thats why those 2 systems will always be split. Split like a loud wannabe fast and furious fart muffler CRX, and a slick Ferrari/Mustang Cobra at a stop light. One for whatever side you are. I mean I can be honest with you and say I know exactly how the 360 fanboys think. And with their online Game tags and points for games they dont like. But they need those brag points for when they go back to the online, and so their tag looks good. And they need it for when they go back to Red shoot green again,, and again,,, and again. The same boring sh&* lol all day long! Man is that old news to most gamers. Its like watching Elvis try to act in a movie re-run for the 300th time for some of us gamers. But!! I know its fun for some of you, so I kid! Thats all the basics of that fanboy area is. Shoot online all day over and over, get points. And than a few 20somes that are sports nuts.
Oh!!! And than theirs the rare 25 to 35 year old that got his 360, never played it , but makes politically correct posts all day about it and gaming. We know about that area. They have been looked into for years now. Who would not want to see who they were? In fact were not even sure if they indeed all own 360s! Maybe they just have like a read off check sheet. And they get a new one each month to post new junk? But will get deeper into that latter. :P Yea that will be vary fun to talk about. It the area that actually has the 360 in 3rd place in month to month sales. Not in dead last 3rd place. Their is a difference :) Not that us PS3 owners are any better. We sit around all day, and are waiting for are greatness to come lol. Playing old PS2 games all day. Although RESISTANCE is way better than most think. Truth thow, Im on my 4th run threw of RE4 On the Cube now. I only like the cube version "see if it is better on something besides sony, I will play the better one." Im sure the Wii version will kick butt also.
Oh and to answer your question "Is The Internet Killing Professionalism?" Yea the day it had the word Microsoft behind it. So its been none professional full of Wine and Cheese wannabes for quite some time now.
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