The news you never hear because you stuck in lala land about the PS3.
First off, despite a slow start for the PS3. Which is kinda normal for Sony machines. Sony has sold one million PS3 units in PAL territories in less than 10 weeks. The pace of the PS3 sales, puts it above the PS2 and PSone. Neither were able to sell one million units that quickly. Yet both managed to go over 100 million by the end of their cycles. And the PS2 is still selling.
My honest take on this : Its not even been a year for the PS3 vs a system built in 2005! They have caught everyone else in the past from behind. And they did so with slow start's, and with great 3rd years. And were not even to the end of year one. In what will be the longest systems race ever. Maybe 7 years!! This is like saying whos gonna win a 500 lap Sharpie Bristol race. After one guy has a 10 car lead, after just 10 laps. Theirs still 490 laps to go. And what some think will be the PS3 year. Year 3. Were not even past half way threw year one yet! Long enough year 3! For the teens, by the time this race is over. Some of you will be dead. Some will be in you're new job, with you're new fat wife and 2 kids, in whatever new city. Ill be in my mid 40s! I know this race has a lot of things that are gonna go on, and a long ways to go. No one has to give me number yet of any kind.
And Kojima Productions says 2008 is not when MGS4 will be released. Its still on a plan for 2007. Word is, just because no one has seen anything on it. Does not mean they have been doing nothing for the last year.
My honest take on this : MGS 4 may be the game to have this year. But it wont be the game to define this Gen. That super new game, has yet to be seen. MGS is about over, an already told old story. New hero's will come into the gaming world. Kratos is fairly new, and new names we have not heard. MGS would be a nice start, and could be the best game of these first 2 years. But it wont last this Gen. It's more like a good start for a system, and a fitting end to the series. This is the type of series you take the best last piece of. And let the old man die in glory. And than pawn it back off to Nintendo, and make them think their getting back something special. After this series is pretty much done. I dont think Nintendos stupid enough to do that thow. I'm sure they know it the last Hooray!! for the series also. Nintendo would not buy the rights to Wolfenstein 3D in 92. And theirs a reason. Its done its thing ,and is gone. Just like MGS will do, after it wows the beginning of this true Gen.
Also Killzone 2 is said to show at E3. And to put it in simple words. Manager Sebastian Downie said, "he is confident that critics will be shut up, when they actually get their eyes on Killzone 2." He also mentions that bad talk and baggage held over from the first demo, has only made them work harder on making "what he calls" a beast of a game. No deep details of the game were talked about. But he did say, that it would have an online mode, and that there will be a Public Beta coming sometime this year.
My honest take on this : Killzone is a FPS. How dang good can it be. Can it be better than Halo? Yea easy. Can it be the best FPS game ever? Maybe? But making a great FPS in this Gen, is like making a great pedal tricycle, in an era that cars fly in. It will mean nothing. FPS have maybe 2 more good years left before they just are plain dead, and played out. A new way of online gaming must arise. New backround to basic Paint ball, wont last forever. And FPS are just way to constricted. I think Killzone will maybe be the best looking game of the first few years of this Gen. I'm betting that it is. But in the end, its still just a FPS. And latter, when real deal Next Gen games, "and HOME," and all that stuff take over. FPSers wont be all that. I look for new things, like a GTA MMP online experience, to be the next big thing. Or something like it at least. While at HOME "Sonys HOME", your Recording your music video for HOME. Making it a romantic vid while playing on Guitar hero or band hero. With the eye toy in front of you, making you play on a sunset beach. You sit for hours making some crazy edits to this video. Importing your own video, into it, that you took at the mall, why your friends were on HOME. Playing virtual bowling league night. You see how your video gets rated online, and test you video editing skills. And after you done doing that at "Sony's HOME." You walk right into your virtual urban gang area's of NY, or LA, or whatever. And join your online gang, and try and take territories. Thats NEXT GEN! FPSers,,, lol!! Thats for people who own that 2005 hardwear machine.
And Grand Turismo 5 is not Gran Turismo HD. GT 5 is in the making as of now. The game will make use of the PlayStation Network, offering downloadable cars and tracks. And will have new weather effects, that change "or not" during races. Also Gran Turismo 5 is introducing vehicle damage for the first time. Other tiny tid bits known now are. Their will be new city tracks, and a online multiplayer mode, with support for 20 players. Yamauchi also confirmed that Gran Turismo 5 is going to feature a new Cockpit View. This will show the player just about anything in the car. So will see interiors of at least 600 plus real cars. The car count in unknown. But it's almost a certain to be more than Gran Turismo 4.
My honest take on this : GT4 is still pushing itself as still being one of the best driving games out now. And it is still talked about when you mention a good racer. Yet its played on an ancient system. Now make one for a system way more powerful the the ps2. Yea GT 5 should be pretty sick. Think of it this way. GT 4 did things above and beyond what the PS2 was thought to be able to do. If this team can do things above and beyond anything you could imagine on the PS3? Can you imagine that? And I have a feeling they will. But we wont see it for a while thow.
New Media "Cartoon Network" is working on a platform called MEGA, for the PS3 and Wii. The service is by Cartoon Network's New Media. And is a broadband gaming service. The service is said to launch in late 2007, or early 2008. The service will have content based on shows from Adult Swim and Cartoon Network.
This is the big rumor of all. We all know that Microsoft and Epic are not getting along to well. Epic wanted to do a few things its own way. And you know how Microsoft is. One way, or no way. By the way,, Epic is the company that makes Gears of War. Epic is not happy with Microsoft. And have come to realize that the console maker, only cares about trying to get as much money out of a game as possible. This is what happened with the downloadable content on the Xbox 360/Xbox Live service. Epic wanted to make it free for all gamers but instead Microsoft forced "YEA FORCED!" to charge a fee. So Epic wanted you to have it for free, but of course Microsoft charged you for it. All that is True. Now the rumor is that talk's of a split between the two is popping up. And that means a new machine "or machines" for Epic?? But im sure in the end. Microsoft will buy out what they need. It is what they do best. If not the only thing they do best.
My honest take on this : If Cliffy B was really the man I once thought he was. Who seemed like a great guy. That Cliffy B would of kicked Shane Kim, and Peter Moore in the balls by now. At least the Cliffy B of old would have done this. But he had possible sell out for green, written all over his face even back than. He does not even deserve that nick name anymore. And is Peter Moore not the most evil SOB you have ever seen. The guys sick? And a idiot to go with it.
The exclusivity of Bioshock is only a timed exclusive for Microsoft. In basic, the game will be an exclusive on the Xbox 360, but for just a short time. It will then be released by 2K Games on all next-generation consoles. But does the PS3 really need another sub par 360 game?? Exclusives seem to be slipping from both sides by the hundreds. I have to again blame Microsoft on this one. They just had to go out and buy up everybody else's stuff. Because their stuff stunk. But a PS3 Bioshock would not be a huge surprise. For one its already been in development on the PS3, in till Microsoft put a slight temporary stop to it. For a company so confident. They sure are scared of what Sony can do with just one game. But for every excluive tooken by one. Is one tooken by the other. And so It may come down to the best machine. I mean Saints Row 2, will come out simultaneously now, on both systems. Wasn't that a 360 game at one point?
My honest take on this : It Bioshock? Who gives a rats azz about this game! If the PS3 gets it, which it will. Do we really need it? No, Unlike Micorosft. Sony should not feel the need to buy up everyone elses things. Although it was not really Microsoft's to begin with. Still,, it Bioshock!! Who cares!
Speaking of systems.
Or at least now they know how it compares to the others. When asked about how it was to work with the PS3, "Working on PS3 has allowed us to create vastly superior environments that verge on photorealism full screen effects, High Dynamic Range and obscenely complex shaders. Its more challenging than ever before, but the power is greater than anything else that's out there" But of course you don't have to be a brain surgeon to know its the most powerful home system out their. And what he really means, is the PS3 version will be the best one.
My honest take on this : Forget the fact that the PS3 is the best system power wise, we know that. But who were the math retards that Microsoft paid, to spam everyone with clock speed reports, and BS, on every site every other post? And how much did they get paid. As much as those ones that fill the PSX and Playstation forums everyday I hope! You ever see those no life sell outs, that are posting 360 stuff, "at the main Playstation site!" every singel day! Man their their 24/7, talking about 360 motion controllers, and PS3 break downs, and whatever BS they can make up. Who pays these people!!! LOL thats what a lot are going to find out soon thow :P And that news, could be vary key to a few things latter. And it may look vary bad for Microsoft. I mean really?? Does Microsoft really need to pay posters to lie? When it could destroy their whole business later? I just dont get the risk of it? When they are maybe "" that close to loosing so much because of it. And even more. How much of a looser do you have to be, to take that kind of job?
And theirs tuns more you wont read at this site. But im tired? For the news you wont get at 360Spot, I mean Gamespot?? Their you have it. And I will leave you with my thought of the day.
Its only gonna take one game that takes full advantage of the PS3 to show it. That game will come. And when it does, the whole systems race will change. Because the systems will not be seen as equal anymore. Thats the key now. Is alot of people feel "with the BS clock speed reports lol" and sub par port games now, they are equal. And their not. Im not even sure if anyone has figured the machine out yet. But they will. And when they do, that day will tell the story of what happens intill 2013 or so.
Yours truely
My worst assets, my typing and grammar. My best asset, my knowledge.
The combination confuses the heck out of some people.
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