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EcoJak Blog

Going Away

Well this Monday I will be flying out to Indianapolis to compete in a National Competition, so I will be gone Monday-Friday so I'll see you guys around.


Well, I finally got to see Transformers, and I thought it was amazing. One of the best movies I've seen all year if not the best movies I've seen all year. I hope they make a sequal but right now I don't know how they would do it cuz well I don't want to put out spoilers for the people who haven't seen it but I just don't know how they would do it.

Level 20

Well I finally made it to level 20 but according to everyone who has made it there, its takes for ever to get to level 21 so i guess i have awhile before I make it out.

Been Away

Hey I was gone for the last few days because I was called in to help out in a Youth Camp by surprise. So I couldn't post in any of the unions especially PGU but I'm back and will be begin posting again, after I rest up of course!

500 Posts!

Well I finally made it to 500 posts. I know this isn't as big as most of yours but still. Next is 1000 posts!

The Sony Press Conference!

All I have to say is WOW! The Sony Conference at E3 was by far the best of all 3 conferences. It not only delivered on news but also tons of games. PS3 is definitely far from out of the battle. And the way that they ended the conference by showing Killzone 2 was awesome. The really delivered on their promise.

Killzone 2 Pic!

Wow well this is a pic from the E3 demo i guess and it would look like Sony has actually done it or at least come pretty close. Plus its been announced that this game will have a 2008 release and will be rated T for Teen.

E3 Conferences?

Which of the press conferences are you looking forwars to the most, the Micorsoft, Sony, or Nintendo conference? I'm looking forward to the Sony Conference the most.

Playstation Gamers Union!

Join The Playstation Gamers Union!

I really like it. If your any fan of Playstation then you need to join this union.

The people there really make you feel comfortable and you get to express your opinions about the Playstation with other people who really like Playstation as well. This definitily a union worth joining.

The PSBox?

Wouldn't it be something if Sony and Microsoft decided to combine resources and make the ultimate gaming system. If that were to ever happen then Nintendo would be dead in a heart beat. Plus it would be unstoppable. You would have the best of everything in one system. But...... sadly this will probably never happen. But it would be cool if it did.