Edeescam's forum posts
Classes/Professions really need tweaking in MMO's. A class like an Assassain or thief etc really should be hated by most everyone. Also as a thief, you should be able to steal from merchants and get caught at times and sometimes get away. You would gain a reputation this way too. You should have to sneak into towns (likein EQ when you were evil and wanted to go to qeynos, you had to take a secret entrace). You should not be able to dance into town and not be attacked. However this would be based on reputation, not race.
Same goes for a warrior class. lets say some messenger was sent to you by a friend in another town saying they need your assistance raiding a villiage or defeding a town. You arrive, clean up the mess with your friends, and you gain a reputation that way. Eventually your name is known though the land as being a good guy and a savior.
The status bars are not a bad idea.
I think another big problem with MMO's is how easy it is to get to the max level. I think a new MMO should take you a long time to et powerful. No levels, but just more powerful. We need to eliminate the few power gamers maxing out everything in one month.
"Now the gameplay, well you don't have a level cap so to speek, you start off neutral being able to use all the low level skills and magics available, however the more you use one skill the more you level it up, this way you can become whatever you want, a master swordslashing warrior with thelekinetic powers, a swift and stealthy archer, maybe a sillent and deadly assassin. The different skill bars will however have levels but it shouldn't be to hard to raise them."
This part I like, but it would have to be made so a few things do not happen:
-Using the skill over and over on weak creatures to max it out
-having two of the same exact characters.
You do not want character classes to be the same in terms of skills. Maybe finding some old warior out in some part of the woods teaches you something no one else can learn. However this would require a ton of skills to be put in the game so everyone is different.
That post really gives one many ideas for what I would love to see in a next gen MMO.
One thing I think they need to do away with is levels. I hate going out into the wilderness and see monster "A" who cons BLUE. Or the "Wow, it cons red I better stay away" Or you hear the "hey look, he is the first level 20 in the game" This really hurts PvP too because you will always get high level player ganking low level player.
This is why I think MMO's need to move toward player skill rather than having the best gear. One thing I HATE in MMO's is the teir based gear.
Tier one gear is needed to obtain tier 2 gear which is needed to obtain tier 3 gear etc etc etc....all of this fabled gear etc too I think has to go. You should make your own fabled gear , this way you do not have to camp.
Also, the other thing I am hating is the Dragon Points.
Oh I have 200 DP so I want x,y,z etc etc. Oh you never showed up for this raid, you lost 100 DP. Or you did not heal me in time, you lost 200 DP.
This crap has to go.
I really think there are tons of things that can be added into a MMO which are overlooked because of $$, time, deadlines etc. You need more freedom in these games as well as a good combat system, storyline and a strong following. WoW has a huge following, but really does not do anything different than EQ. The main draw is that it is much easier.
Personally I will stick by my guns and say that combat needs to be revamped and it needs to move away from the 1d20 system.
-Click on target
-Press A
-Press a few more buttons
-rinse repeat
In this kind of system, it is more about paying attention and "knowing your class" One could be lazy and just send a pet, sit back and watch. Or just spam heals.
Twich combat would require you to take every encounter seriously and to have good reflexes and smarts. The ability not only to have your stats help in avoiding getting hit but to make it so you yourself can play a big role in not getting hit.
I think it will take a team of developers who are not affiliated with any big companies, who care more about their game than money (in the beginning) to make a next gen MMO
Anyway, I would like for each person to make ONE suggestion of what they would like to add to a MMO (does not matter which MMO, let's say it is a new MMO coming out next year) An example would be: Twich Combat or Ability to make your own currency.
Accoring to this, the Starcraft universe will be revisited in the future, but the game being announced on May 19th may be Diablo 3 or another game.
Think about it, with Hellgate: London coming out and being dubbed the next "Diablo" game, i'm sure the folks at Blizzard are not gonna stand by while heir former employees develop a diablo-esq game. I still think Hellgate wil be a better game....
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