VIII and IX are both great games so no matter which you choose you should enjoy both of them.
IX will be easier to get into and its an overall enjoyable experience. Nothing too thought provoking here and It doesnt have anything particularly new about it but the story, music, gameplay, and characthers are all amazing and executed perfectly. If you want something simple and light hearted here it is.
VIII is a hit or miss with alot of people. If you're looking for a unique battle system this one is definitely the standout of the 3. The junction system can be fun but alot of people find it overly complicated when in reality its very easy to use and understand. VIII has a very strong story with very memorable characthers and good music. The battle system is THE BEST out of the 3 by far. The only flaw with it is the DRAW mechanic which I honestly didnt mind but some people find it a bit monotonous. Between this one and IX, VIII is far more epic and imaginitive. VIII is a much more mature fantasy then IX.
The final boss battles of the 2 games are extremely memorable but between VIII and IX, VIII has the best final boss battle between the two. Its much more epic and crazy and less predictable. Very very memorable.
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