Thats nice, but what does me liking Halo 3 have to do with not liking the gunplay of Deus Ex HR? Absolutely nothing. Next time try to stay on topic. Two very different games with completely different types of gameplay.
1. It might be that you're just too used to the kind of flashy/ridiculous gunplay Halo has and can't enjoy the kind of gameplay Deus Ex HR has (which is perfectly fine).
2. If Deus Ex HR deserves an 8 then Halo 3 would deserve a 7. I've never seen what peopple find so good about Halo 3.
2. If Deus Ex HR deserves an 8 then Halo 3 would deserve a 7. I've never seen what peopple find so good about Halo 3. (Insert Deus Ex where ever you see Halo 3) Repeat after me "my opinion is not better than everyone elses"
I enjoy the Halo franchise.........whoopty doo. It is irrelevent and just proves you are acting like a fanboy.
Me liking Halo 3 is irrelevent. You just dont like my opinion and are creating some bs argument that me liking Halo 3 and you not liking it, makes you a better judge of gameplay.
It does not btw.
It's not the same kind of game. Halo 3 is an FPS shooter where the gameplay suits it fine. Deus Ex HR would play like crap if it had the kind of shooting other FPS have. The shooting in it suits it perfectly fine for the kind of game it is.
Oh and:
This is far from being terrible graphics.
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