The right/conservatives in the western world have made many catastrophic strategic errors that have led to the dominance of leftist morality, viewpoints, and priorities in mainstream culture. Allowing the left to gain command of almost all institutions of culture, while at the same time allowing them to develop the concept of "hate speech" as an end-run around the foundational principle of "freedom of speech," was one of their biggest strategic mistakes.
"Hate speech" is specifically designed to overlap with conservative views. Meanwhile, it never intersects with leftist views, even if the emotion of "hatred" is obviously involved in the leftist's speech. Notice how popular slogans from recent protests, such as "ACAB" (All Cops Are B**tards), "pigs" and "FTP" (F*ck the Police) are never described as "hate speech." Convoluted rationalizations for these inconsistencies exist.
Conservatives should have quickly noticed that this concept disproportionately favors leftism and leftist demographics, and launched a massive campaign to block the concept of hate speech from gaining power in institutions and society.
But they didn't do that. So now this concept has gained enough power and legitimacy to be cited as justification for censoring the legal political speech of an elected right-wing politician in an election year.
The correct way to describe a "black Viking" isn't diversity, it's a silly fantasy alternate character skin. Goofy stuff like this is usually confined to special unlocks or cheats, next to big head mode and confetti blood.
A Black cannot be a Viking, and a Viking cannot be Black.
Vikings are a particular people from a particular time and place - not just an occupation, a way of life, a cuisine, a language, or a dress that any Black, Asian, Slav or Pacific Islander can adopt. Excising the ethnic quality of Knights, Samurai and Vikings is just as absurd as excising the Samurai's sword, the Knight's oath to his king, or the Viking's love of the sea.
It's a good job that For Honor is a dumb hack and slash game, because it would be impossible to create any kind of believable story for a "Black Viking" or a "Female Samurai." These combinations are fundamentally nonsensical, because they are completely detached from the real human experience. It's a disgrace for Ubisoft to take only what they want from these warrior groups' proud histories, then discard everything they don't like.
It's completely inappropriate for Ubisoft to call these bizarre combinations diversity. The entire reason that human diversity exists is because different peoples lived different lives in different places. Promoting the view that all people are fungible and interchangeable is the antithesis of diversity.
Real diversity would be proper Vikings, Samurais, and Knights, plus some kind of authentic African warrior group. Why didn't Ubisoft represent real and authentic noble African warriors? Surely they existed?
Star Trek has always been about pushing the boundaries of what's socially and culturally acceptable, going back to the original series in the mid-late 60s.
Starfleet allowed a proud Russian on the bridge of its most advanced starship, meanwhile in the real world the Cold War with the USSR was in full swing. The pilot episode featured a female second-in-command, and Captain Pike was skeptical that a woman was fit for the job. She was, and performed her duties just fine. However, that role was eliminated in favor of Spock as Captain Kirk's XO when the series went into full production.
So, something like portraying homosexual characters in Star Trek isn't as outrageous or out of place as it might be if it suddenly appeared in other franchises. In my opinion, it's probably only because Star Trek has been off television for the past decade that it hasn't happened sooner.
What annoys me is that this move with Sulu has the typical SJW signature. Instead of introducing a new character that was homosexual and building up a good character from scratch, they cannibalize already beloved characters and convert them into females, non-whites, gays, etc.
Pushing this stuff onto already existing characters serves an SJW agenda, since it combines a character people already love with whatever "underrepresented minority" SJW ideology seeks to boost. Now, it's very hard for Star Trek fans who don't support gay adoption to continue loving Sulu without also softening their views on it. This is done intentionally, and it's manipulative social engineering that goes beyond Star Trek's long tradition of inviting people to expand their horizons, rather than tricking them or forcing them.
SJW ideology has taken Hollywood by storm, and it's no surprise that the producer of the upcoming 2017 TV series has admitted that the SJW vision of the future will be promoted. I don't know how a civilization based on these ideas could ever become space-faring when SJWs constantly attack scientists for trivial issues and redirect massive amounts of society's resources from technological development to "diversity" and "outreach" programs, but we'll see how the show turns out.
@javalino: Thanks. I will put this info to good use. You should see my Sonic the Hedgehog guitar covers on Gamespot's front page before the end of the month.
Whom do I need to fellate to get my video game music covers featured in a Gamespot article? And please don't point me to the guy that can only get me featured once -- I want the man that can get my stuff posted at least twice.
@purgatori: You don't need to worry about these people making your sex look ridiculous. We know that feminists do not speak for all women. Feminists are agitating for their own personal power and benefit, and they use the good name of women in vain.
The biggest problem I have with normal, regular women is that too many sit back in silence and allow feminists to abuse our fondness for women. Some women will even take advantage of feminism's ill-gotten gains.
What we need are more women like you who are willing to stand up for justice.
I've only read comments on the first page, but every single one was excellent. Everyone has the expectation that equality between men and women means not that women get affirmative action or quotas, but equal consideration of their talents, experience and work-ethic when applying for a job such as movie director.
And of course, these commenters recognize that Kathleen Kennedy's statements about a vague, unnamed "woman" as potentially directing indicate that she would give preference to a female applicant based on her sex. She already bragged about 75% of the story group being women, and claims that women bring something unique to the stories. It seems that Ms. Kennedy doesn't believe men and women are equal.
The commenters mostly express shock at this betrayal of sex equality, though a few have already moved beyond that stage of surprise and openly recognize that feminism is not about carefully observing the status of men and women so as to equalize the sexes. It's female self-interest and aggrandizement to the maximum limit possible. This is the crucial take away that more people need to understand. Everyone, observe what feminists like Kathleen Kennedy do and say, and then consider whether men could get away with doing the same things, in equal measure.
@flyincloud1116: "How about the best director possible and if it is female so be it."
The problem, and they know this, is that the best director possible for a sci-fi epic will never be a woman.
The whole objective Disney has had since they took over Star Wars was to put in comical levels of sexual and racial "diversity." In particular, the cast of Rogue One is so contrived, it's like they hired the actors and actresses directly from a boilerplate corporate diversity stock photo.
@LordCrash88: "All the new Star Trek movies are crap imo so I really disagree."
I also despise what Abrams has done with Star Trek - gutting its soul, but I think that his style might actually be a decent fit for Star Wars.
As an example, Star Trek had little happening on the Enterprise or in space, presumably because he likes his characters with their boots on the ground. This really killed the mood of things in Star Trek, but it's perfect for Star Wars.
Eincrou's comments