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ElBarto111393 Blog

I'm back... sorta

I took a long hiatus from posting on forums and making blog posts, but after nearly a year and a half, I'm "back." Again, I'm not going to waste my time with blog posts if no one is going to read them, but I will try to contribute more to the forums for various games. I've been on this website for 5+ years now; I don't even know why I'm still on this site considering the reviews that Gamespot do are usually absolutely terrible (like Fallout: New Vegas...), so let's just hope that the forums will keep me entertained.



Don't know why I'm posting a blog ALMOST A YEAR AFTER MY LAST ONE on my account that probably no one ever looks at, just was bored and felt the random need to do this. Been busy with a lot of school, sports, friends, Worldof Warcraft (yeah I can't help it with that one), and a girl, so that's really whyI haven't been on as much as I used to be when I was like 13 and went on a lot.If anyone would actually like me to blog about games n' stuff, leave a comment. If not, I'll probably never blog on this account again or maybe just make a totally brand new account where I'll actually be more active with blog posts, tags, forums, video game updates, etc. Yeah, so if anyone who reads this wants me to pretty much come back and start being a real gamer again, leave a comment or something, if not, goodbye forever Gamespot users.

20,000 Gamerscore

Yes, I've finally crossed the 20,000 gamerscore mark. It's still not as big as Stallion83's gamerscore, but I play games that are fun for me, not just what I call "achievement games".

Bought Crysis

And I have to say, so far, it is very impressive. Graphics are still awesome for a comp that can play on medium settings. Great gunfights, great story, 9.6/10

Back to World of Warcraft

Well, I've gotten back into World of Warcraft, and I recently joined a guild that is currently doing Karazhan. At first, we were really bad, couldn't even down Moroes, but tonight, we finally got to Prince Malchezaar, the final boss of Kara, and got him down to 24% before our tank died, which is good for a guild that took atleast 10 tries for our first downing of Moroes. We also 1 shot Aran and Chess... well, it's chess, and we are going for another attempt on Prince on Sunday, hopefully downing him and completly clearing Kara's progression bosses. Many of you probably don't care, but once you start playing World of Warcraft, you can't really stop...

Bored & list of games that rock

Currently bored... Halo 3 is fun, but... I don't know, just don't feel like playing it. Would buy Orange Box, but I spent all my gaming money on other games, hopefully I'll get it for Christmas. The game I'm really hyped for is Guitar Hero III. I played the demo from the OXM December issue, and even though there is only 5 songs on it, they're still really good songs! Then it's Call of Duty 4, which I honestly think will be the Halo killer, then Assassin's Creed, which is awesome, Army of Two (another Christmas hopefull), Mass Effect (which is gunna make peoples heads explode with awesomeness), Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (which I recently got in to), Rock Band (Christmas), then I think that's the end of the greatest year of gaming ever.

10,000 gamerscore

Well, it took a while, but I finally hit 10,000 in gamerscore. Compared to StripClubDj and him getting 200,000 soon :shock:, mine is really not big, but I'm finally glad that I'm in the 5-digit gamerscore now.

Got into COD4 beta

My electricity is finally back on after almost 5 days, and the good thing is... I GOT INTO THE COD4 BETA!!! WOOT!!! All my friends on live are like "How the hell did you get the beta?". Well, I entered the lottery a few days before, and I got an e-mail saying that I was in. The only way to get in now is to go on and sign up for it, and to pray that you get the code.