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ElBarto111393 Blog

Giving Oblivion a second chance

Well, I've decided to give Oblivion a second chance. What got me mad at the game was how long the quests would take, but it's pretty much a free-roamer, so I can do whatever I want. So, it's going to be my next rent after Trauma Center, and if I like it enough, I'll buy it.

Pre-ordered Wii Play and GOW DLC

So since my Wii-mote died, it hasn't been fun. I've just decided to buy Wii Play which comes with a Wii-mote. Plus GOW's first DLC will be released on Wednesaday for free! The 2 new maps are called Raven Down and Old Bones!

My Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2007

Well I just typed a load of stuff and then I accidently clicked back so it all got erased, so I'm just going to do a quick top 10 until I feel like re-typing it.

10. Battlefield: Bad Company

9. Medal of Honor: Airborne

8. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

7. Army of Two

6. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

5. Assassin's Creed

4. Halo 3

3. Bioshock 

2. Mass Effect

1. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

Yup, so there's my quick list. I'll re-type it when I'm in a better mood to make it look nicer.

My 20 All-Time Favorite Games

Alright everyone. This is my list of my 20 All-Time Favorite Games! In maybe a day or so, I'll make a list of My Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2007. But for now, here we go!

 # 20: Animal Crossing (GC) Man Animal Crossing is fun. It has like no point to it except to waste time and talk to other animals that have clothes and talk REALLY fast!

 # 19: 007 Everything or Nothing (GC) Everything or Nothing used to be my favorite, but things have definently changed. I loved the 3rd person view and the new car-driving stunts. Plus, no James Bond games aren't complete  without any awesome new guns!

# 18: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (WII)  LOZ: TP has a good use of the Wii-motes motion- sensors with the sword fighting and the slingshots and the awww-www you know what I mean!

# 17: Just Cause (X360) Just Cause isn't as good as most free-roamers out today, but in my opinion, it's one of the best. The story's not real sharp, but the action is definently awesome!

# 16: Halo (XBX) In my opinion, Halo is good, but not great. It definently has a better story than Halo 2 (Hopefully, Halo 3 will have a story better than Halo and Halo 2 combined), but if it had multplayer, it'd be in my top 10.

# 15: The Simpsons: Hit and Run (GC) Oh boy, oh boy, what's more fun than making people flip over you car with your favorite tv show characters? The Simpsons rule, flipping over people in cars rule (not in reality), and The Simpsons: Hit and Run definently rules!

# 14: Chromehounds (X360) Chromehounds is an awesome online game, but the single-player downgraded the whole game to make it ok, but I still loved it.

# 13: Dead Rising (X360) Zombie bashing galore, baby! Dead Rising is that hack-and-slash game everyone's been waiting for. It may not be the greatest story in the world, but who doesn't like to take a barbell to a zombie's face with blood spraying out everywhere?

# 12: The Sims 2 (PC) This is THE computer game of the year. Everything about it is amazing, building houses, making families, controling your families, etc., this is a must buy.

# 11: Wii Sports (WII) Nintendo was very smart when they decided to include Wii Sports with the Wii. Wii Sports does good use with the Wii-mote with baseball, bowling, golf, etc.

# 10: The Sims 2: Nightlife (PC) A great expansion pack to The Sims 2, mostly because sims can now drive! Other than driving, there's many more things your sims can do, like have a night on the town, eat at a restaurant, etc.

# 9: Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC) SSB:M is an almost flawless game. The action is great, the graphics are very well done for a Gamecube game, and Nintendo put a wide variety of characters to fight as, now I'm just waiting for Brawl.

# 8: Starfox Adventures (GC) Fox is back in his new dinosaur-filled adventure. It's a very frustrating game that would have been higher on my list if the aiming wasn't so poorly done.

 # 7: Super Mario 64 (N64/WII) It's a me, Mario! Super Mario 64 was pretty much the turning point of games and graphics because (I'm not 100% positive about this) it was the first game with non-2D graphics, and to make it a challenge and to keep you playing, IT'S EXTREAMLY FRUSTRATING!

# 6: Halo 2 (XBX) Multiplayer fans, Halo 2 is for you. Halo 2 is pretty much an online game, not a solid campaign mode. I'm very excited about Halo 3 because I can now "Finish the Fight".

# 5: Call of Duty 2 (X360) The war game of all war games. Call of Duty 2 is an outstanding game with an awesome campaign and great multiplayer. WWII nerds, this is definently a game for you.

# 4: Guitar Hero II (PS2) Guitar Hero II is a seriously awesome rythym game for anyone with quick fingers, and it's also accessible to beginners. It doesn't have as great songs as its predicessor did, but it still rokks.

# 3: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas (X360) Two words: Awe-some. R6:V is all around a great game. The multiplayer is fantastically refreshing and the singleplayer is amazing.

# 2: Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (PS2) OMGWTFBBQ?!?! A GTA LOOK-ALIKE?!?! Not exactly, in my opinion... better. Mercenaires is for anyone who wants to release their anger on blowing the crap out of almost anything you want.

 # 1: Gears of War (X360) Wow, big surprise, huh? Gears is a game that easily scales any mountain. The AI ain't perfect, but the firefights are. The multiplayer is the best around and the campaign is great. I can't wait for Gears of War II!

Well there you have it. Thanks for reading my big wall o' text (as RabbidDawg calls it). Post you're thoughts and opinions to my Top 20 games.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hey guys, Merry Christmas! I FINALLY GOT A WII!!! Plus I also got Guitar Hero 2 and R6:V! Oh, and one more thing, I'm typing from my Wii!!! My Friends Code is: 3085-9132-1199-8025, so send me a message if you wanna be friends.


Wii... Wii.... I... NEED IT!!! (No, I don't, just want it really bad, but it's impossible to find around here... AND I LIVE JUST OUTSIDE OF CHICAGO!!!)