If you need to bash the Wii U in the Wii U appreciation thread that makes you a fanboy. Gotta love dat logic.
Wii u is a turd, thats why i bash it. Turd products get bashed even without fanboys.
Okay then..... HOW is it a turd? I prefer Nintendo hardware, but that doesn't mean I'm going to call 360/PS3 or Xbox One and PS4 turds. Maybe because I'm not trying to get a rise out of people.Hardware is laughable, hdd lol, cpu & gpu lmao.
Controller is a t(cr)aplet, 480p resistive screen with no multitouch, dummy tablet thats useless without being connected to the console.
Game library is all shovelware kiddycrap with epic online features :lol:
350$ for all that, what a bargain :lol:
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