To war veterans
El_Garbanzo's forum posts
HST at the gym, on positive calorie intake, focus on progressive overload=best gainz. 13 years of lifting and HST is without a doubt the best there is to build muscle
Also, the NRA keeps saying that more good guys carrying guns makes the world a safer place, but these incidents are all happening in states where concealed carry is legal. I thought concealed carry laws acted as a more effective deterrent than restrctions on gun purchasing, why aren't they deterrents here?
20 of the last 21 "mass shootings" have happened in no-carry zones. That's because people know that these areas are full of unarmed potential victims.
I don't think the thought process is that detailed, especially considering how many of these people killed themselves in the end anyways. In the case of the school, the man clearly picked his targets based on emotional factors (his mother's class) and not on some detailed equation that took concealed carry into account. The fact is that if these people were thinking rationally enough to do so they probably wouldn't have gone through with it anyways. What they do is pick an area with a lot of people and go to town with their high capacity rounds and military grade assault rifles regardless of whether or not people in the area are carrying concealed weapons.
CC is not a deterrent, the question then becomes if it could actually help stop these things, and again the answer is no. Take the theater shooting, he fired on people before they knew what was happening and if anyone had shot a gun it probably would have worsened the situation. Even if they had hit him and not someone else by accident, the guy had full body armor on. Concealed carry is not a deterrent to these people and it does not help diffuse these situations. Effective police response and keeping dangerous weapons out of their hands is what makes a difference.
Although, maybe our alien overlords could make a difference by acquiring the Judoon technology that makes guns totally ineffective.
These coward shooters obviously avoid "gun zones" in a fear of a painfull slow death from being shot by people who carry and refuse to be just victims. They want to do their thing and finish themselfs with painless headshot or surrender to cops. Getting shot in the gut does not go well with that agenda. We dont know, but i bet awful lot of shootings, physical attacks/beatings, rapes, robberies, burglaries have been prevented by just the thought that the victim might be packing heat, but on a gun free zone no such worries for criminals. And anyone who says that if the victim was armed, he would have just made it worse is delusionalWe get it. You don't like the WiiU. Not being the most powerful did to stop the Wii from being a cash cow for Nintendo.T_0_D
Cash cow for nintendo, waste of money for everyone else. Let's celebrate
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