yes it is impossible to do it on your wii with your tv... Bluetooth thing worx. Unless of coarse he did some playing arounda nd got extermely lucky and somehow installed it on his wii...along with steam and the wii Video card would nto run it right...
omg it is the best... srsly i hope they dont get rid of it.. and for those that dont know its that special mountain dew that has master chief on the botttle and its rly good... go get some asap... srsly everyone... its the best mtn. doo... evar
A Karabiner 98 Kurz better known as the Kar98. It was the standard infantry rifle issued to German troops during WWII
wow i love that gun... Also i love the Arctic Warfare Magnum... its britsh.. if u dont know the name its the green 1 hit kill sniper in counter strike... :D also Desert Eagles
Eh its ok but i dont think it made the hype... it is fun and entertaining for a bit but then it starts to steer away from my attention... I would give it like a 7.0 or so...
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