Does COD4 works with Dual Shock 3?
EliteDragon's forum posts
BUMP, oh come on there's gotta be someone that has it working. I wanna use it. I know some of you don't care for rumble feature, but I do and I know I'm not only one.
Yeah, I just don't want to shell out more just for memory cards to transfer...thee's some people that already has transfer game saves to their computer. I'd like to know how do that without having to worry about starting over or shell out even more just to do those.
How do I save them, before I go out to get Elite Xbox 360? I have pro xbox 360, and Ive decided to get 2nd one for Elite Xbox 360. Never know if the 1st one breaks down cuz of overheat....
Anyway, is there a way to save them? transfer them to computer? How? Helps would be appeicated thanks!!!
I just want to know, how good it is? I've been looking around inGamestop, noticed that ps2 adapter,that connects to PS3 by usb to be able to use PS2 controller on PS3 to play PS2 games for rumbles. Imay wantto buy it, but I'm not sure since it's made by Peclin, I think. Not from Sony.
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