Oh gosh, C #? I learned C++, but I always wondered if it was exactly the same, only with more @#$^!@$%#$%#!$&^$& in it.
ElitesIgnorance's forum posts
I hope that the next game from bioware is a game with hugely branching storylines. I think it would be great if we could get that in ME 3 even.dkdk999
I think that could be a good possibilityforMass Effect 3because it isthe last sequel to the trilogy. Ibelieve Biowareshould take a lot risks withMass Effect 3 because everyonewho played the first twohadtold theirown stories in the Mass Effect Universe. In the installment, there should be ten different endingsbecause thereis no worry to linked the last gameto the next game because it is the last game.
I have no idea when the next 2D Metroid game will come out, but I want one now.I don't want another Metroid Prime Hunters. I justwant a Metroid 2D game in 3D! I don't even care if it is called Metroid: Negative One Mission! I just want to play another 2D metroid game right now.
I want Bioware to take a break from all these RPG games and just make a MDK game. I loved MDK II on the Dreamcast, and I was hoping Bioware would release it on the Xbox Live marketplace and then released a sequel just after. That would be awesome.
I love the cover system used in games like Gears of War and Mass Effect, but they are sort of flawed. Don't get me wrong, they are very realistic compared to a FPS game like Halo where you just run, jump and shoot, but the part that gets me is that how do you know where that ENEMY is when your EYES are not looking at them while you are at cover. Is it Sound? Jack (From Gears of War)? I don't know.
Mass Effect 2 did a great job on the part where Shepherd would occasionally peak out of cover (even when you are still in cover) to seek where the enemies are, but I find this unrealistic when when a bullet would go right through his/her head when she/he would peak out and it would not be considered as a hit.
This whole issue doesn't ruin the experience, though. It just feels like a plothole on how these main guys and gals in the games suddenly harness the power of the sixth sense. *ahem* the invisible camera that tells them where the enemy is located while they are behind cover.
It's true that New Vegas is much more of an RPG than Mass Effect 2 -- which is, by the way, an RPG, regardless of your opinion -- due to the larger variety of possible actions and the different interactions you have with the NPC's of New Vegas' desert setting.
Mass Effect 2, however, was a much more polished experience, with overall better graphics, smoother menu interaction, a sweet combat system and a much less bugged experience.
EDIT: This pretty much sums it up for me on how I think of the two games.
sounds like PSN is a complete mess..games unplayable, but at least it's free???? :P
Take a good look at this old adage:
"The best things in life are free."
What a load of horse poop. That's why I pay for Live. But I agree, if it is free like lake water, then who cares if there is some fish poop in my drink.
The worst console controller I used had to be the N64 like stated before. For 2 years, I guess I was holding it wrong (I put my left hand all the way to left rather than hold the middle piece with the left hand.) I thought, "how the hell do I press the left triggerand use the left depad then?"
I still don't know how tohold it right, and I play it time to time.
Why is everyone saying the Boss for Mass Effect 2 was bad? I thought it was hilarious, and challenging until I got the trick down. But serious though, the last boss was a bit obvious. A god, a...
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