Unlike C2, KZ2 has static sun shadows and missing HDR. The real world is not limited to near mono grey.
Both KZ2 and C2 uses DR for lights.
Killzone 2 has real time sun lighting i read ona PDF about Killzone 2.
Is missing HDR but has Ray Tracing and Deffered Rendering which allow for much more lighting at once.
The world in which Killzone 2 takes place is not earth,so what makes you think that the colors should be like earths ones.? In fact what other planet has the divercity of colors ours has.?
I don't know why people try to downplay DR as a lgith system it looks impressive Killzone 2 proved that and allow for much more lights at once that what is been use on 360,in fact how many games on 360 port such and incredible lighting as Killzone 2.? Yeah only Ala Wake and the character models look sad and the resolutuion is like the most gimped on the console market.
Killzone 2 is a master peice the games is impressive from every angle you look at it,from lighting,to over all graphics,physic,animation in fact animation is one of the things in which killzone 2 make other shooter look cartoony,is so far ahead is not even funny,enemies on Halo don't reac like in Killzone 2 not even close,the animations are sad,the same goes for Bioshock,Gears and many other shooter,in gears case the characters and enemies look like they drink cement.
People should sto and give credit where credit.
http://www.guerrilla-games.com/publications/dr_kz2_rsx_dev07.pdf Mix of pre-rendered static and real-time sun shadow . C2 is claimed to have 100 percent real time.And.?
I don't know if that is the case in Killzone 3, C2 is an unreleased game,i judge it when i see it on my TV,but does it matter.? if Killzone 2 has a lighting system prebaked or not what difference does it make,it allow for much more light sources use at one time,and has produce some of the best lighting on the console market,what people should understand stand is that pre-baked or not real time or some which some are,is the same both methods are ways to simulate real lighting on video games that is the real point here.
Is like different kind of AA.
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