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#1 Eltormo
Member since 2010 • 990 Posts

@p3rrypm said:

@tormentos: Could you be a bigger idiot? I am posting from one account you shithead! One! I realize that is too high for you to count you conspiracy theory whack job!

As for the difference, percentage wise it is smaller this generation and I showed you the math.

Oh an 20% more performance is 1.94 TFLOPS vs 1.7 TFLOPS.

Troll account 2.

@pmperry said:

@tormentos: Okay wait a second... I just realized what you're talking about... I'm using the same credentials and yet the account is flipping between p3rrypm and pmperry. WTF??? The other night it told me I couldn't use that account so I made the pmperry, this is stupid.

Troll account 1.

As simple as that...

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#2  Edited By Eltormo
Member since 2010 • 990 Posts

@sts106mat said:

Stormyjoe has multiple accounts....one he was suspended on for a short time and he made a new account when he came back.....both accounts are still active...as he has proved...i dont see the problem

.your Eltormo account was banned...therefore you are a bandodger..

I have told you the reason i left is that i changed jobs in November 2012, i work for a much better, but massively busier company now. if i do get time to post on here, its usually in my dinner hour (lol at hour, its often 10 minutes i am that busy.)

I genuinely was on the fence between an XB1 and a PS4. i chose XB1 because i believe it has a better potential for the future is this cloud thing really helps with persistent online worlds etc. plus i'd really really miss Halo. It also has all of the type of games i like) that remains to be seen though.

and i really like the xbox controller vs the Playstation ones.

If PS4 gets some really decent stand-out exclusives, i might get one next year or something....there is no rush yet.

I will also add, that so far, i am happier with my Xbox one now, than i was when i got my X360.

EDIT.. what were you actually banned for anyway? did you have a meltdown or something?

All i have to say to you sir...

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#3 Eltormo
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Unlike C2, KZ2 has static sun shadows and missing HDR. The real world is not limited to near mono grey.

Both KZ2 and C2 uses DR for lights.


Killzone 2 has real time sun lighting i read ona PDF about Killzone 2.

Is missing HDR but has Ray Tracing and Deffered Rendering which allow for much more lighting at once.

The world in which Killzone 2 takes place is not earth,so what makes you think that the colors should be like earths ones.? In fact what other planet has the divercity of colors ours has.?

I don't know why people try to downplay DR as a lgith system it looks impressive Killzone 2 proved that and allow for much more lights at once that what is been use on 360,in fact how many games on 360 port such and incredible lighting as Killzone 2.? Yeah only Ala Wake and the character models look sad and the resolutuion is like the most gimped on the console market.

Killzone 2 is a master peice the games is impressive from every angle you look at it,from lighting,to over all graphics,physic,animation in fact animation is one of the things in which killzone 2 make other shooter look cartoony,is so far ahead is not even funny,enemies on Halo don't reac like in Killzone 2 not even close,the animations are sad,the same goes for Bioshock,Gears and many other shooter,in gears case the characters and enemies look like they drink cement.

People should sto and give credit where credit.

http://www.guerrilla-games.com/publications/dr_kz2_rsx_dev07.pdf Mix of pre-rendered static and real-time sun shadow . C2 is claimed to have 100 percent real time.


I don't know if that is the case in Killzone 3, C2 is an unreleased game,i judge it when i see it on my TV,but does it matter.? if Killzone 2 has a lighting system prebaked or not what difference does it make,it allow for much more light sources use at one time,and has produce some of the best lighting on the console market,what people should understand stand is that pre-baked or not real time or some which some are,is the same both methods are ways to simulate real lighting on video games that is the real point here.

Is like different kind of AA.

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#4 Eltormo
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XBL - Paid P2P gaming

PSN - Free P2P gaming

Soooo... uhmm... yeaaa.... PSN is better. Stop trying to justify being milked by Microsoft. It's funny how the 360 gamers are now Cows.


PSN is better huh? can you play Halo Reach on psn? can u play 4 player co-op on psn in killzone 2? oh

The real question should be can you play Halo Reach co-op on 360,well for 4GB and core ussers the answer is no.

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#5 Eltormo
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Odd taste in graphics? :? Oh, you mean Stalkers sun rays. I'm still waiting for you to post a video of a PS3 game with better lighting then Stalkers.

And I fail to see how this

Looks light years ahead of this

but then again I'm not a biased Cow.


Come on PC vs PS3.?

I don't know if he was brave enough to actually challenge that but we all know PC's get a new CPU and GPU each year,what you ask is impossible.


But on Gears 2 case don't compare screens see that video comparison is much better there is no bullshots or touch up,is pure games on the engine like it should be,Gears 2 just doesn't look as good as Killzone 2,even that is doing far less as well,look at how the gun barely makes smoke,in explosion smoke disappear almost intantly,the bullet effect are not on par,explosions are not on par,lighting is not on par and animation is not even close to be on par gear characters look stiff as well as the enemies compare to Killzone 2 fluid animations,the releading is not even close again,how character react to where they are hit and stuff like that Killzone 2 is just superior.

Regarding the smoke. ok here is an UC2 vid from youtube, tell me that the RPG at 1:25 doesn't have pathetic smoke that disappears faster than it would in real life. i am not saying its bad graphics, just questioning one of your comments. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQhVuyPP_f8

now have a look at this in 1080p on youtube.


compare the smoke from marcus gun at 1.37, with your own comments, then continue to watch and look at the environment effects like the blood and other stuff.

Please don't bring Uncharted 2 into the equation the difference is even bigger vs gears 2,but the smoke does look sad as well,but every thing else is so much superior to Gears 2 is not worth the try comparing them.

Now like i told you compare to Killzone 2 gears just fell short,in pretty much any department,is not my opinion you can see it with your own eyes.

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#6 Eltormo
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I've played and finished Gears of bore. MARIA! The game sucked, it had horrible pacing, and a cringeworthy story. And lool at WhenCIcadasCry posting pics to make Gears 2 look better then it does :lol: Go watch vids buddy, you can't see half the things KZ2 does in pics, Gears 2 on the other hand has nothing going on so pics do it justice.

Watch in HD and admit pwnage.

Some more HD pwnage

Conclusion? Gears is a static badly textured, bad animations, bad explosions, bad character models, no impressive effects, bad particle effects. KZ2 beats it in every category and does a bunch of things Gears can only dream of. Fact.


Freeze Killzone 2 and actually look at the graphics. Bland flat textures, and an overabundance of smoke and particle effects, paired with film grain. It looks amazing yes, but to say it looks light years ahead of Gears 2 is farfetched. The animations are THE best I've ever seen in a video game though. They're jawdroppingly good, but the enviroment is very lacklustre imo.

Freeze.? dude do yopu play your games freezing them.?

Killzone 2 has nice textures in fact gears one appears from no were from time to time,and many look fozy,over abundance of smoke.? come on gears has almost no smoke,is a war what would you spec with grenades,bullets,gass tanks exploting,i say few it has to what is suppose to have,and Gears 2 almost completely lack smoke effecst look as the video i postes the gun barely generate any smoke,explosions barely as well and it disappear almost instantly.

Now i agree with you on the part of not looking light years away,that is sertain true the game doesn't look light years away fair is fair,but KIllzone 2 is superior in pretty much every aspect.

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#7 Eltormo
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[QUOTE="Phenom-II"] PSN is better huh? can you play Halo Reach on psn? can u play 4 player co-op on psn in killzone 2? oh


Can you play Metal Gear Solid 4? Can you play co-op in Ninja Gaiden 2?

Too easy man, too easy... :P

the numbers dont lie, too easy man too easy.... Xbox Live is a much better robust online service and has more gamers any given time playing xbox live. PSN is pathetic compared to xbox live and the numbers DONT lie!!!!

What number don't lie.?

No xbox live has some features PSN lack,juts like you don't have anything close to Home,or youtube upload,share PSN games.?

Sharing PSN games alone beats anything live has,hell some people on live on early years even had problems playing their own bought games because of MS DRM imagine sharing them it would mean instant ban.

Again what numbers don't lie.?

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#8 Eltormo
Member since 2010 • 990 Posts


XBL - Paid P2P gaming

PSN - Free P2P gaming

Soooo... uhmm... yeaaa.... PSN is better. Stop trying to justify being milked by Microsoft. It's funny how the 360 gamers are now Cows.


PSN is better huh? can you play Halo Reach on psn? can u play 4 player co-op on psn in killzone 2? oh

NO i can play 8 player co-op on Resistance 2 and 60 players online,does Halo Reach even support 20 players online.?

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#9 Eltormo
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I've played and finished Gears of bore. MARIA! The game sucked, it had horrible pacing, and a cringeworthy story. And lool at WhenCIcadasCry posting pics to make Gears 2 look better then it does :lol: Go watch vids buddy, you can't see half the things KZ2 does in pics, Gears 2 on the other hand has nothing going on so pics do it justice.

Watch in HD and admit pwnage.

Some more HD pwnage

Conclusion? Gears is a static badly textured, bad animations, bad explosions, bad character models, no impressive effects, bad particle effects. KZ2 beats it in every category and does a bunch of things Gears can only dream of. Fact.


i think your flaming / trolling whatever. if you had actually played gears 2 (anyone with an internet connection could post what you just did) you would know that the pic of gears 2 is far from great looking. i play on a large HDMI TV, believe me i know that gears 2 is way better looking than that screenshot. so when you say "posting pics to make it look better than it is" its pretty much proof positive your trolling IMO.

Agree nothing better that motion,Gears 2 does look better on my TV than that as well as Killzone 2,games should be compare in motion no screen shots.

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#10 Eltormo
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I wouldn't say destroyed. Killzone 2 only looks marginally better then Gears 2 (I've played both), and Gears 3 is shaping up to look as good as Uncharted 2, and Crysis 2 >>> Killzone 2.


Righttttt :lol: Everyone knows you have a ver odd taste in graphics, you find average looking games amazing, and amazing looking games average. KZ2 is lightyears ahead of Gears 2 and Crysis 2. Uncharted ONE! Is lightyears ahead. THose games aren't even in the same division as the PS3 heavyweights like UC2, GoWIII, KZ3 etc...

Odd taste in graphics? :? Oh, you mean Stalkers sun rays. I'm still waiting for you to post a video of a PS3 game with better lighting then Stalkers.

And I fail to see how this

Looks light years ahead of this

but then again I'm not a biased Cow.

Come on PC vs PS3.?

I don't know if he was brave enough to actually challenge that but we all know PC's get a new CPU and GPU each year,what you ask is impossible.


But on Gears 2 case don't compare screens see that video comparison is much better there is no bullshots or touch up,is pure games on the engine like it should be,Gears 2 just doesn't look as good as Killzone 2,even that is doing far less as well,look at how the gun barely makes smoke,in explosion smoke disappear almost intantly,the bullet effect are not on par,explosions are not on par,lighting is not on par and animation is not even close to be on par gear characters look stiff as well as the enemies compare to Killzone 2 fluid animations,the releading is not even close again,how character react to where they are hit and stuff like that Killzone 2 is just superior.