[QUOTE="Ilikemyname420"] Don't remember it in that interview, but in another one he claimed something along the lines of that theoretically you could do something better on the cell given an infinite amount of development time. And Killzone 2 doesn't look better than most things on the 360 (see Mass Effect 2 with the fanboy goggles off) the extra development time really didn't amount to much.
I saw Mass effect 2 wihtout fanboy google and no it doesn't port animation graphics effects lighting and particles in the level of Killzone 2,and Killzone 3 is even further away.
Saying the extra development time really didn't amount to much is actually seeing Killzone 2 with fanboy googles,there is more to a game that been just pretty which Killzone 2 exels in Killzone 2 is a complete pakage,not a one race pony,it look great in all aspect of the game not just one or 2 as a tarde off like Mass Effect 2 or Gears 2,the same was say about Gears 2 until they were compare side by side in a video and Killzone 2 how much more it had going for it than Gears 2.
I have post the link here like 10 times already but people seen to ignore it,hell on Gears 2 explotions generated little smoke and dissipated almost instanly on Killzone 2 it wasn't like that,Gears 2 had good lighitng but Killzone 2 one was just to much,bullet sparks look ok in Gears 2 on Killzone 2 they are ray traced which do a more realistic effect.
The list go's on.
First off NOTHING in KZ2 is raytraced. Second explosions are just 2D sprites (think wolfenstein 3D) in every game made so far including KZ2 and really aren't that resource intensive except for what they do to the environment (ie physics). There is absolutely nothing that sets KZ2 above the pack other than it has good lighting, and excellent art direction. Thing is 90% of things people talk about in terms of game graphics on system wars has more to do with the aesthetics of an image rather than the technical aspects, which makes the whole "power of teh cell" debate ridiculous. And when technical aspects are brought up either no one knows what any of it means or they just spout nonsense or quote out of context facts that don't have anything to do with it (ie blu-ray making graphics better).If you don't know what you are arguing don't Killzone 2 uses Ray tracing in several parts of the game,you are incredibly miss informed,Cell can do Ray trace faster than a 7800GT OC can.
This will teach you a thing or 2 about Killzone 2 which even today still look impressive,but better the narrator it self talk about the effects dude,just seeing that video make me wonder how any one could think that Killzone 2 is not graphically a game that is set abode the pack unlike what you claim.
Here is Killzone 2 vs Gears 2 if you choose to ignore teh facts find,but again it is say it has Ray traced bullets,unlike gears 2,granades made a more real explotions with staying debree unlike gears,smoke last longer in Killzone 2 in Gears 2 it almost banish instantly and the lighting is superior in every way,oh don't forget the part at the end where the volumetric smoke interacting with the turbine engines.
Recently I came across a link on http://www.gpgpu.org that I found interesting. It described a method of ray-tracing quaternion Julia fractals using the floating point power in graphics processing units (GPUs). The author of the GPU code , Keenan Crane, stated that "This kind of algorithm is pretty much ideal for the GPU - extremely high arithmetic intensity and almost zero bandwidth usage". I thought it would be interesting to port this Nvidia CG code to the Cell processor, using the public SDK, and see how it performs given that it was ideal for a GPU. First we directly translated the CG code line for line to C + SPE intrinsics. All the CG code structures and data types were maintained. Then we wrote a CG framework to execute this shader for Cell that included a backend image compression and network delivery layer for the finished images. To our surprise, well not really, we found that using only 7 SPEs for rendering a 3.2 GHz Cell chip could out run an Nvidia 7800 GT OC card at this task by about 30%. We reserved one SPE for the image compression and delivery task. Furthermore the way CG structures it SIMD computation is inefficient as it causes large percentages of the code to execute in scalar mode. This is due to the way they structure their vector data, AOS vs SOA. By converting this CG shader from AOS to SOA form, SIMD utilization was much higher which resulted in Cell out performing the Nvidia 7800 by a factor of 5 - 6x using only 7 SPEs for rendering. Given that the Nvidia 7800 GT is listed as having 313 GFLOPs of computational power and seven 3.2 GHz SPEs only have 179.2 GFLOPs this seems impossible but then again maybe we should start reading more white papers and less marketing hype.
First let me introduce myself. My name is Barry Minor and I have been on the Cell processor project since the fall of 2000. Before Cell I developed 3D graphics processors for IBM and Diamond under the FireGL brand.
Cell has been a great project and from the beginning we have focused the architecture around graphics and video processing.
Like he say people should be reading more white papers and less marketing hype.
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