@spenceslivn Don't try talking sense here. A lot of these gamers can't think. All they do is react, which is what they're doing right now. And now someone will say I meant all gamers even though that is not what is meant by "a lot." Anyway, I got what you meant but rarely people will. Someone else also sent me a troll response because of misunderstanding something I had said.
People whine about games yet there are others out there who haven't got food to eat. I hate or don't like something, simply don't support it. Don't buy their products and don't bother hating on them. I'm personally not fond of the Xbox One but I don't go hating on it. I just ignore it. Why can't people simply do this? I know there's a need to air views but there's a difference between criticism and hate.
@minfreah5005 @Emerald_Scott @Tripwolf "The way it was meant to be played" -- that's a provocative statement and I responded accordingly. I didn't troll, though. I simply aired my fair opinion.
@Tripwolf No, the way you want to play it. There's a difference. I get why people get annoyed at PC elitists -- you always have that arrogant air about you. I'll be enjoying this on the PS4 and you will on the PC. That's all there is to it.
@Ovirew @Emerald_Scott Yes, I believe so. It was their marketing campaign for the original PS3 back in 2006 before it launched. "It Only Does Everything" was for the PS3 Slim in 2009.
Emerald_Scott's comments