@Wensea10 I agree with the other two. Who knows what happened to the Project Gotham Racing series? I think that one was originally meant to be the flagship racing game of the Xbox.
@rafpac @Emerald_Scott Thanks for replying and for your recommendations in addition to your analysis.
You know what? A couple of years back, I would have gotten Crisis Core 'cause I had been looking for good PSP games at the time. It's a shame I didn't 'cause I have a friend who loves it so much. She's an FF fan, though.
I'd also wanted to play Xenoblade Chronicles but I didn't have the money to invest in a Wii at the time. I would try out all these games if I had the time and cash. It's a real shame I don't.
By the way, I have an open mind but I have to admit that I'm picky when it comes to story and characters -- that's what matters more to me than gameplay. Stardust7 said above that the characters are very stereotyped. But hey, you can't really know something unless you've tried it, so I might give it a go in the near future.
I don't like this article. The title is not clear enough and the summary is confusing. Also, the article doesn't say what he did wrong and how long his "final stretch" is.
@bowlingotter @Emerald_Scott Yeah, I read that FFXIII-2 improved a lot on certain aspects that plagued the previous game such as linearity. Would it be okay if I skipped the previous entry and got XIII-2?
I have never played any game in this series before. What a shame. I had wanted to start with the XIII series but user reviews discouraged me. Are they any good? Which FF game should I start with?
@Blade_Runner22 @Adavanter @Emerald_Scott Thank you. :) Even if you comforted me for a different reason, I still need that comfort because some people can make me lose my mind at times.
I'm just going to linger here for a while because I want to stay away from the comments on The Last of Us review. I want to feel surrounded by intelligent people.
I really don't know whether to feel sad for people or be infuriated.
Take this example:
You invited some people for dinner. You cooked the dinner and when they ate it, most of them thought it was perfect. However, one guy thought it was just "great" (8.0), and to be fair, perhaps didn't explain why in detail.
Now you would insult that person who still thought your food was great but not quite perfect?
(And in the context of TLoU review), why should it matter to the other guests what that one guy thought of your food? That didn't stop them from enjoying it.
Tl:dr -- common sense should not be called "common sense" because it's not common!
Emerald_Scott's comments