You did the same thing this generation and we all saw what happened. Game developers prefer xbox 360 when developing games because it came out first and it has simpler architecture than PS3. So instead of repeating the same sh!t, find a way to make PS4 the developer's best friend.
Actually, console games are more expensive than pc games. Not to mention that it is very easy to get pc games for free, if you know what I mean. So the total cost in the long run is subjective.
Developers prefer consoles to PCs (because of piracy), even though average PCs have much more capabilities. Maybe that's why many pc gamers dislike consoles.
Hahahaha this "comparison" ended up being so funny. All you did was saying bad things about PS3 and you even said there is no huge amount of difference between xbox and PC. LOL are f***ing you kidding me? Nice graphics "expert" you have there. Useless video
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