It is now 8:12 AM. I am wide awake and dressed in my usual business attire and patiently waiting for my local Game Store to open at 9 AM to buy myself the collectors edition of FallOut 3 (I don't go cheap with epic games like this lol) Now you would think after purchasing my game, I would be a lucky go bunny and rush home, turn my TV on, slip the disk inside the console and play it till the merry hours of Midnight, but ALAS, THAT SHAN'T BE HAPPENING, for I have work to do...
So instead, I shall be working today with my screenplay (Probably deleting the whole thing afterwards) while gazing at my sealed box of Fallout 3, now the question is.... what is more important and I believe this relates to everyone who works for a living....
Working, be it at home, an office, airport, erm.... government, whatever, should you be taking a day off to work, either use a holiday (for one day) or call in sick and lose a day's earnings or work for the day, realizing that the game you have longed for, for many a year is at home, just waiting to be played, almost teasing you to the fact..... I am here, unwrapped and ready.
My situation is slightly different as I work on deadlines, with this perticular screenplay, I'm ahead on the deadline by 3 weeks, should I take a day or two off to play Fallout or stare at all day long while writing, I already know my answer lol, but I'm curious as to what everyone elses would be, is England a hard working nation, or a nation that slacks off when something as good as Fallout comes out?
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