i'm going to come out and say it.. i think that they are apop band "internationally"
were they played on popular radio?
were they followed by a immense girl fans?
yes they were
so what do you guys think? were they or were they not?
EDIT: why do a lot of people say that they are the best?
They definitely started off as a (very good) pop band.
The thing about the Beatles is that they stopped touring and became a studio band. They created their best albums after they stopped touring altogether. Since they were a studio band, they had the freedom to be very experimental. As a result, they dabbled in all different kinds of music and even helped create new genres that exist today. They are considered the greatest band by many people because the were incredibly influential, were pioneers of many different aspects of music, and they made some damn good music.
Now I have a question for you. Have you ever listened to one of the Beatles' best albums from start to finish?
in your generation correct? they dealt with problems of your period of time?
pioneers of many different aspects of music? true. very true. but just like the beatles other bands came after them and "expermiened" with music and made it work for them and adding lyrics that connected with people of their time.. just like today.
and for the last part..
and no i've listen to "some" songs by the beatles
ever listenb to "firework" by katy perry? very good song
pink's "rasie yout glass?" another good pop song
but like any era not all music was good.. you'll always have that "hearthrob" (hanson anyone?)
the bombshell/boderline slut) madonna
my point is ... music evolves
The Beatles broke up before I was born, so the "your generation" comment strikes me as odd.
It's true that lots of bands have experimented, I'll give you that. But few have done it as successfully as the Beatles.
I have heard Firework. It's not a bad song at all, and I think it will motivate some people to do good. I've probably heard those other songs you mentioned, but can't put a name to them.
I understand that music evolves. That doesn't mean it's constantly improving though.
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