If the cancellation does turn out to be true, then I will be depressed as f**k! I was so looking forward to the console version, as the PC version was brilliant (I just prefer to play on my PS3). Here's hoping it's all lies!
Epipsychidion's forum posts
Well I would be, but to be honest EA seems to hate us Australians as they are still yet to release Rock Band 2 here. I refuse to get excited about any EA game until I know for certain that it's gonna come out.
Once bitten ....
Personally I enjoy both GH:WT and RB1 (RB2 is still yet to be released in Australia, thinking of importing from Britain). If anything, GH strikes me as a game that you can play on your own and enjoy it just as much, whereas RB is tremendous with others. And the drumming in Rock Band is better, if that's of any use to you.
Well, as I live in Australia, Rock Band 2 is merely a pipe dream for me, but I have the first and quite enjoy it even if it is easier than Guitar Hero. I also have Guitar Hero World Tour and love it as a game, but despise the guitar - I'm on my second guitar already and it's busted too. Now I just use the Rock Band guitar for the game - works a treat!
Thing is that I've only been playing both games as a single player experience so far, but have friends coming over soon to play as a band - and I can't wait!!!!
Personally I prefer the track list from Guitar Hero, but Rock Band has much more frequent downloadable additions - so I find it's a bit of both. And to be honest, the more songs that I can play then the better, regardless of which game they are for!
Now I just wish RB2 would come out in Oz!
I recently did the exact same thing, only I was replacing my HDD - and I can confirm that if you allow your PS3 to resynch with the servers, then your trophies will come back.
Dungeon Keeper was, and still is, awesome!!!! Hell yeah they should make a third!
Oh, and has anyone else been following IKSLM's progress with the Dungeon Keeper remake? Check it out :
I'm in partial agreement with the others - to warrant doing it they would have to "pretty up" the graphics (which are already good, by the way) and add bonus content.
That being said though, I probably would get it cos I'm a fan
In no real order:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
Doom 4 (and have it more like the original games gameplay wise)
Blood 3 (I can only dream!)
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