Epipsychidion's forum posts
Something that baffles me is that Vista supposedly devotes most of your system RAM to any application that you use often (if I'm remembering what I've been told well enough). How is it that, despite that, XP still runs that application with much, much better performance? What exactly is it about Vista that makes it so very taxing? If it devotes your system RAM to the application, it can't be a memory issue. Is it doing all kinds of CPU-intensive things in the background as well, or something?
The reason, as I understand it at least, is that they changed the way that Windows works with Vista. By doing so they have also changed the way that companies have to make drivers for hardware (video cards etc) work. The problem with this is that hardware companies aren't that used to the new system, and therefore are still learning how to make efficient drivers.
One problem that I've run into with Vista was the DX9 games virtual memory bug. I have 2GB of RAM, a 2.5GB virtual memory paging file, and games like STALKER and The Witcher were constantly crashing due to "low available memory".
I have one also, and would be inclined to agree with the others in regards to build quality. If you're used to playing on PC then it can make a huge difference, but the fact that the buttons have to be pressed quite hard for them to register and the mouse sensitivity (or lack thereof) make me disappointed and wonder how it got such good reviews. Supposedly there is going to be a downloadable program to adjust the sensitivity, but god only knows when that might be....
My personal opinion is that yes, this game is going to rock!
That being said, I certainly hope for Sony's sake that it does! I mean, considering how much they have been hyping it, can they really afford it not to?
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