@Random_Matt Last I checked Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 were two of the highest rated games this gen. So speak for yourself. Plenty still love Mario and Zelda.
Jesus...can't wait for my student loan to drop so I can buy a 3DS. So many games I'm missing out on. I would've preferred a 3rd person view Zelda but whatever I'm still gonna be buying the Orcarina remake.
@SIDEFX1 By Pro player you mean all you do is sit at home playing games? You say you're impressed but you don't think they're doing enough to cater for the 'hardcore' players? Wait for a few more games to come out maybe?
Pffft please don't even try that. Iphone and Ipods have piss poor battery life if you're playing video games on them. I'd know I have an Ipod touch and my friend is complaining about his Iphone 4 (which he doesn't even play games on btw)
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