God damn, that's amazing. It's lovely to see Retro finally show more of their artistic talent on a boxart. A picture of Samus in a plain background was starting to get disappointing..
Erebyssial's forum posts
Better in Japan.Plurpz
Actually Pokemon games sell better in America than Japan..
I found it funny how you referred to the main Pokemon games as "those handheld games" as if they're insignificant, lol. And yeah Pokemon isn't dying at all, it's the second most popular franchise atm so I have no idea how you got misinformed.
...You do realize every IP is new at one point? So yes obviously Nintendo is capable -_-
[QUOTE="themagicbum9720"]miyamoto wants to make a new one/Esoteric_Proxybut nintendo doesnt want to let him
Um Miyamoto IS Nintendo..
Positive previews are promising but I can't help remembering that the same happened with the first game where alot of that praise was just thrown out the window when the final game was reviewed...
Oh and I messed up my last post I meant what does Conduit have over CoD MW/WaW not the other way round lol
Jumping off a cliff was created by God of War now? Really.. really?
Surely this isn't a serious topic :|
and an M rated game likely to involve more terrorism and killing the unarmed innocent civilians in attempt to continue to become more brutal and violent.wiifan001
And how do you know that was just an attempt to become more violent? Did it ever occur to you it was simply to add a more dramatic feel to the game and storyline?
@topic: if I could only choose one, CoD Black Ops since it's from a great series by a great developer and I know I'll sink a crapload more hours into the addictive online.
Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem. This franchise is just so underrated. It's a Strategy RPG rather than an RTS but I recommend giving it a shot either way if the strategy aspect is what you're looking for.
The problem with the original (at least for online) was that some of the maps were way to large for the number of players involved. Adjusting your controls helped a little (allowing faster, more sensitive turning). The Streets map was never slow paced. The single player campaign wasn't slow either.
Yeah the Streets map was fun, definitely one of the highlights of the game, the other maps however I didn't like at all. The time limit for matches certainly didn't help the pace either, when 20 minutes was voted I just facepalmed. As for the campaign I was bored by how repetitive it was mainly, though I find the campaigns for all FPS mediocre so I'm a bit biased there.
Anyway after watching a few multiplayer vids from E3 I'm more interested especially since the maps look better. I think I'm gonna hop on Conduit 1 sometime to remember what exactly turned me off the game for more perspective (...despite disliking the game I still own it, I'm terrible at getting rid of stuff)
Perhaps Reflex is better, but not WaW.
"Perhaps"? CoD4 is considered one of the best multiplayer shooters of all time.
I think voice chat is at the bottom of the list of issues to fix about Nintendo's online, personally. Plus the only released game I wouldn't mind using it is CoD4.
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