Erinye_'s forum posts
[QUOTE="Erinye_"][QUOTE="TonicNightWolf"]Eh, having a credit card isn't that bad, just make sure you can pay off your debt at the end of the monthSolidSnake35
Why not just use a debit card and save yourself the hassle of paying a bill?I already have a debit card, and I use it!
But I need to buy a lot -really, A LOT- of things, and is better paying some bills than paying a lot of money just once.
Eh, having a credit card isn't that bad, just make sure you can pay off your debt at the end of the monthTonicNightWolf
why? It's got like every super power imaginable! and with like 500 and counting there's got to be a power for everything I need in life.... EVEN SEX! come here Mr Mime! buahhahhahahaha......
no but srsly 500 of them....
excessive much?
I stopped caring at 150 lol
150, wow. Good old times...
Nostalgia hurts.Yeah, but is better than being a n00b :P *kiss*
*assumes fetal position* *tries to get away* *cries*
I don't like cyber sex... I mean, I thinks is normal, but I prefer the real thing.
On the other hand, I love watching porn and hentai.
why? It's got like every super power imaginable! and with like 500 and counting there's got to be a power for everything I need in life.... EVEN SEX! come here Mr Mime! buahhahhahahaha......
no but srsly 500 of them....
excessive much?
I stopped caring at 150 lol
150, wow. Good old times...
[QUOTE="pxc2k"]Most suggested solutions were "get high" and masturbate I agree with both, specially in that particular order.
Now, you wanna sleep like a baby?, have sex. I alwauys sleep fast after having sex. Anything to avoid conversation with that witch next to me...
lol pervert:)
pxc2k is right. There's nothing like fall asleep after good sex.
King of Fighters, because I need MOAR BOOBS!!!!11
Just kiddin :P
Any of the Harvest Moon worlds.
It's always a nice green world full of friendly people and magic and it isn't in danger of being destroyed every few years.
Believing that the universe was created from very low probablity chance scientific phenomena driven by only molecules colliding into big bang and such complex structures like DNA being created randomly, it's hard to believe that without believing that someone was behind all those processes.Red-XIII
Why does their have to be someone behind it all? This is what I have never understood. Christians always say "something has to have stated it", but why? Why does it need a being to start it? It wouldn't change our reality at all.
The human mind may not be able to comprehend the complexities of this Universe, ever. When faced with this unknown people will substitute in God. It's simple, it's easy and its comforting. I think the idea of a naturally occuring universe and all the intricacies of life developing according to this chaos is beauty in itself, more so than any God magically creating it.
I second that.
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