thats a whole lot of bear. what a boring waste of my time.
Ernice's forum posts
i dont think its fair to say that the slimmer version of the PSP was stolen from the DS Lite. if thats the case, that means that no one should ever be allowed to slim down their consoles or handhelds or anything at all cos that would be "copying" Nintendo.
you cant stop people from wanting to downsize their hardware. and its not copying for goodness sake. dont be so shallow. downsizing an equipment has been done before like eons ago. way before DS Lite. we had it with the GBA SP, Ipod, even PS2 had a downsize. its impossible to find out WHO downsized first.
when i first bought a ds, i had fun, played casavania, phoenix wright, FF3 and RE, but after those games, it has been collecting dust. The new super mario brother was too short, wario is such a bad game and there is no GAME for a hardcore gamer
and i do NOT want to play childish pokemon, im not 12
a hardcore gamer will realise that pokemon isnt childish at all. its actually a very well done and balanced RPG.
only a guy who's not 12 but has the mind of a twelve year old would actually think so cos he / she just judges it by how it looks.
IMO, Assassin's Creed
the gameplay looked kinda meh. to me that is.
hey man, thats the exact same thing i was thinking. i would like a game like that too.
like, killing people in any area or city you want, heck, i even thought that the game should include that there is a chance that the police dont even discover the body, like if you kill a homeless guy, no one would really know he was missing. and you can even leave your own personalised calling card so to speak. just marking my territory. haha
but i never thought of the good and bad choice you just said. thats interesting. good point, that would be nice to have. two sides of the game. but i really just wanna play the bad part, i just love being evil. haha
hmmm, i would say i like my NSMB more than my Mario Kart and AWDS. but its close
i havent played custom robo but i have played Transformers: Decepticons.
lets just say it aint that impressive. i wouldnt buy it at all. luckily i was able to borrow it. anyway can read my review if you want. i dunno how to link so you'll have to make your own way there. :P
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