I've come to the realization that im no longer afraid to admit it. i hate the Wii.
call me what you want, hate on me all you want....i have enough motivation.
i think that nintendo is selling gamers/hardcore enthusiasts, down the river... all in the name of getting non-gamer moneys.
its ridiculous, at what point did nintendo decide gamers were no longer worth catering to? i had the NES,SNES,N64 and the GNC. so im not a nintedno hater...just for the sake of hating nintendo. ive been a fan...but how long or far do we have to follow this progression to see what the results are going to be on the core Gamer?
argue if you want to, but i really do see the trend the Wii is setting as a bad one, and an overall negative for Gamers. and once again playing Wii sports doesnt make you a gamer, just like painting one weekend a year doesnt make you an artist. the way i see it ....the Wii is a trojan horse that promises to let developers deliver cheaper, simpler, less produced games to the masses for greater profits....and in my book that isnt a great thing. its a scam
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