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#1 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

well clearly i havent looked at the spoilers, so lets not digress int a thread about looking at the video....

this is more about what this means, when compared to the magnitude of the launch title.

half life 2 was a great game, but it doesnt have the media attention and market value of a gta title...especially GTA4

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#3 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

Ok well we all know about the newest GTA4 news...the games been leaked.

theres even a petty l33t roxxor who is actually streaming the game as he plays....he got to be amazed at seeing the game in person for real for the first time why not ruin that thrill for others right? for the record im not gonna spoil it for myself.

but heres my question...what are the ramifications?

how will this effects not just future rockstar releases, but games releases in general? this is probably one of the biggest game releases in current history...even bigger than halo3.

so how is this all gonna shake out? what should they do to this hacker if hes caught? whats fair? its one thing to pirate the game, but to then try and ruin it for everyone....thats just petty and selfish.

lets hear some thoughts....

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#4 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

I didn't expect you to give me a real answer to my question... As it stands right now, 6 posts and no one is justifiably buying it for the ps3... interesting.

so im guessing u didnt read my lengthy list of reasons??/

well let me add another one dood...FREE ONLINE PLAY!!!! xbox live can die for 5 bucks a month

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#5 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

well first off ive always played it on the Playstation, so i will continue to do so.

but really i think...imho that the PS3 controller is better suited for this type of game. ive used the 360 controller for san andreas and its too bulky and loosey goosey. while its great for FPS's the 360 controller is inferior imho for third person games.

ive also read direct quotes from the devs at rockstar and take two execs that have said the graphics are slightly better on the ps3

also look to the fact that the PS3 versison loads content directly to the HD, which im guessing give the ps3 version a performance edge as well

acheievements i could care less about

and for the DLC? if u think sony's not getting it at somepoint....dont hold your breath! lol

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#6 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

did i not just see a banner ad asking us if we purchased GTA san andreas before a certain date? so we can get in on a class action suit?

wtf is this? why is Gamespot running ads like this? hurting game companies? they have hit a new sure ad revenues are down GS but please dont bite the hand that feeds you and take money for ads from anti gaming law firms. pretty lame i think

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#7 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

When talking about the popular saying among cows "must be lazy devs" I heard from numerous users that "it must be lazy devs because just look at Uncharted and COD4, they're amazing!"

So with this logic any game that doesn't rival said games like Uncharted in any department, whether it be graphics or gameplay, it is because it is solely the developers being lazy and not because the PS3 can be hard to develop on.

So the only developers out there right now that are actually put hard work into their games are IW and Naughty Dog? So I guess the people that made Heavenly sword were lazy because it didn't stand up to the graphics of Uncharted and Warhawks developers really must have dropped the ball because it wasn't as good gameplay-wise as COD4.

Can we all agree that these statements usually said by cows are ignorant and untruthful? For the love of God please! The stupidity of these statements are causing me serious headaches.


your analogy is way off.....

nobodyis questioning the quality or gameplay of either COD4 or Heavenly sword.

when PS3 fans speak of lazy devs.....they are referring to developers who choose to not work through technical issues due to profit and time consrtraints.

for example. HL2 orange box. the game has a choppy framerate, possibly game ruing(depending on who you ask).
so is this an inherant trait for the PS3 games? bad framrate? no

look to R&C,uncharted, UT3, etc etc as examples that if you are willing to put in the effort you will see great glitch free games. and remember these games ive mentioned werent titles that sat in dev limbo for 5 years....R&C was only in development for over 2 years....and average development cycle.

so if we want to be honest and void of politics, yes, devs who render less than 360 quality games on the PS3 are most assuredly lazy.

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#8 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

wow people are so quick to jump on PS3 fans for being apologist...but here we find 360 fans defending the RRoD once again

but to be fair this story is purely anticdotal since we have now way at all to back up these claims.

but in the interest of honest discussion, stories like these all have a grain of truth to them simply because the 3fixty does have alot alot ALOT of hardware issues.

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#9 Escobahr
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System Wars, u don't like? don't post here simple.!-wii60-

well actually system wars doesnt deliniate mindless rants and baseless slander. sure thats what its become...but why give into such base urges. me personally i like the high road.

and i also applaude the TC for trying to address the needless flaming and slander one console has to endure. sure the ps2 fans used to bashsuch and suchconsole so now theyre getting a taste of their own blah blah blah....

SW could be a place where people argue about actual factual issues. instead most of our time here is spent debating baseless facts and inuendo and misommunications, simply because the moment a fanboy sees some tiny shred of incredulous information, he has to immediately post it....

this board is what its users make it. not the other way around

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#10 Escobahr
Member since 2007 • 133 Posts

"I get less concerned aboutgame reviews because the casual gamers don't read any of those things," EA Casual president Kathy Vrabeck tells

"They're not swayed by a low score on IGN or a low score out of one of these gaming sites," she continues. "It's a little bit amusing, in that it's people reviewing games against measures that are important to core gamers yet are not important to casual gamers."

so in other words, casual gamers will buy crap. she is basically laying all the cards out on the table here. very gutsy.

what do actual gamers think of this? and when i say actual gamers i mean gamers who:

care about quality
care about originality
care about design
care about gaming as an art/hobby

should we be worried?